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Dom laughed. "I'm sure you're overstating it. I'm just Dom and will always just be your big brother."

Vic put her hand on Dom's and gave it a squeeze. It was clear there was a lot of love between these siblings.

"Calla," Vic turned her attention toward me. "Tell me a bit about yourself." Then, turning back to Dom, "Dom, you didn't tell me how gorgeous she was." She winked playfully. Addressing me again, she said, "He's only told me how smart and amazing you are. Go figure that my brother was able to find the complete package."

I smiled. I think I'm going to get along just fine with Vic.

"That's very kind of you to say, Vic. I think I'm the lucky one." Dom looked at me with the most endearing eyes. I just about made him naked right there and then.

I snapped back to the situation at hand. "It's really great to meet you. I heard you're in marketing, too."

"Yes, I love marketing soooo much," Vic answered, throwing her arms up in the air with gusto.

"I'm not doing pure marketing for the clinic at the moment, but more of catching up on everything Dom needs help with. This guy is just into everything."

"I believe it. He is the most amazing, capable," she looked more sternly at Dom, "boring son-of-a-bitch." She laughed while playfully saying, "Sorry, Mom," to the skies. She laughed her boisterous laugh when she saw Dom's mock-hurt face. She hit him on the leg. "That's right, you bastard. You're soooo boring. You're gorgeous, you're smart, you are so f'in rich! You've got the world at your fingertips, and you spend so much time at the office, it's unreal."

I couldn't help but laugh. She basically had him cased.

"And that's where I'm super thankful that you've come into his life, Calla. Or should I say, 'fallen into his life'? Without these guys to drag him out once in a while, he probably wouldn't meet too many people to get attracted to. The fact that you're in the office is just a bonus. You might actually get to see him once in a while. You'll have to drag his sorry butt out of the office to have some fun sometimes."

Dom squeezed my hand and said, "Oh, we do, Vic. We do. Calla is great at breaking me out of the office for spontaneous excursions." He leaned in to give me a quick peck on the cheek. Turning to Vic, "But you shouldn't give her my entire sordid back story now, should you?"

"What sordid story? That your spreadsheet didn't save?" And there was her boisterous laugh again. "Well, I'm glad you're taking care of him, Calla! Lord knows he needs it." Another eye roll. This time from Dom.

Suddenly, Vic leaned into Dom.

"Dom? Who is that?" Vic asked, almost conspiratorially, her eyes looking at a handsome man at the table beside ours.

"That, my dear baby sister, is Dr. Jay Prath. He's a new oncologist…" his voice trailed off because it didn't look like Vic was really listening anymore. Her eyes were fixed on Jay.

"Yeah, ok, thanks. And don't worry about entertaining me this weekend. I'm going to see what kind of trouble I can get myself into and maybe just crash and dash. Hopefully between the luxury sheets at a hunky oncologist's penthouse condo. See you later," she said in a sing-song voice, and off she went.

Dominic chuckled. "That's our Vic. One of a kind."

"She's amazing, Dom. I can't believe she just showed up and didn't tell you!"

"Meh. That's what she does. Especially now. She used to be a people pleaser, but thankfully, she grew out of it. Now, she's her own woman, and it's fun watching her make her way in the world. We probably won't see her again this weekend, to be honest. She can charm the pants off of anyone, and I'm sure Jay will be more than happy to oblige. I think I heard he's single."

"Do you worry about her?"

"Sometimes, but yeah, I'm a little too caught up with my own life to actually act on it. And, something tells me that she's ok with me not being all up in her business."

Dom looked at me, and I felt the energy shift. He had that look in his eye. One that was part possessive, part yearning, 100% hot.

He leaned in and whispered in my ear, "I wouldn't mind being all up in your business right about now." His soft kisses on my neck were just about to drive me over the edge.

My stomach did a little flip and I started getting warm down there. My heart rate was racing and suddenly, it was game on.

"Let's go for a walk, Dom."

I took his hand and led him out of the banquet hall. Not sure where we were going, but I knew what we were going to be doing…

Chapter 17


I'm not exactly sure what happened, but Calla was suddenly a woman on a mission. She was practically pulling me out of the banquet hall while also trying to not be too obvious. We were stopped by a few people, had a few quick chats, posed for a few photos, but eventually made it out to the lobby. The cooler air was a welcome relief to the banquet hall, filled with the heat of all those glamorous bodies.
