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Are you sure she needs the help?

No, I'm not sure. But I'm not going to be here so I need you to oversee it.

Oh, you are controlling the narrative through me.

If you don't want to, that's fine, too. I'll just hire someone else.

Stand down, bro. Of course I'll help you out. But you know I'm not cheap.

I expect to pay for the best.


You have your card. Go nuts.

I might buy a car.

Fill your boots.

OK, when do I start?

I'll send the Terms of Reference by Tuesday and you can start the following Monday. It'll give Calla some time to gather her thoughts about it.

Does Calla know?

No, not yet. But I'm sure she's going to love working with you.

OK! I trust you.

We'll do a conference call Wednesday at 9am. I'll give you time to review the document.

Whoa, wait. That's 6am for me. No can do. I need my beauty sleep.

Ok, when then?

how about 9am my time and noon your time.

Fine. I'll send the link with the TOR.

Exciting! I get to work with my bro!

Well, not exactly, but you'll be working with your bro's biz.

Better than nothing, I guess.

Have a good weekend.

Don't forget to put some emotion in your day! LOL

Good one, Vic.

It was time to get Calla into some marketing, but being a new grad, I had to make sure she wasn't going to spin her wheels in the office when there was really no one there to be a resource for her. So, I decided Vic would be a great help to her and at least Vic could keep an eye on things when I'm gone.

I walked over to Hugo's office. I think I need some Italian Stallion wisdom right about now.

He looked up from his desk. I could see he was just finishing typing in his summary after seeing a patient.

"Got a minute?" I asked.
