Page 116 of Crushed By Love

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I say goodnight to everyone and head up to my room to get ready to meet Ethan. My heart pounds and my hands shake with anticipation. I have to admit this forbidden lovers thing is exciting. Does that make me a bad person? Maybe, but I don’t think so. I’m letting myself have something I really want. It’s not my fault my uncle and Ethan’s mother had an affair. Ethan and I shouldn’t be the ones to pay for that. So as I get ready, taming my hair into soft curls and applying strawberry ChapStick to my lips, I push the guilt aside and focus on what I want, and right now that’s to spend time with Ethan.

When it’s sufficiently late enough that everyone has gone to bed, I use my security code to quietly leave the house and sneak out to the beach, my heart pounding with each measured step. It’s dark out here and maybe not the safest decision, but I don’t let that stop me. After a few minutes of speed walking, my vision adjusts and there he is, a tall figure waiting in the dark. There’s nobody else out here, we choose a secluded section of beach away from the homes, so when I reach him, I don’t even hesitate.

We come together like magnets, our mouths first and then our bodies. He’s laid out a blanket on the sand and it takes us no time to lay down on it together. His body weighted over mine releases all the tension I’ve held inside since we last parted.

“This can’t be wrong,” I whisper between hot kisses.

“It’s not, baby. It’s right. It’s so fucking right.”

Well, if it is wrong then I don’t care to be right. It’s a cliche sentiment but it applies to us. Maybe this is wrong or maybe it’s simply that what’s right for the two of us isn’t right for other people. We’re not bad for putting ourselves first, for giving in to what feels like peace.

He kisses down my neck and onto my collarbone, then licks his way down to where my breasts are tight underneath my shirt. I’m not wearing a bra. He nips at the peaks through the cotton and I arch into his mouth, not caring if he leaves a mark. After a minute he kisses back up to my neck again and the cool left behind where his hot tongue trails across my skin dissolves into gooseflesh. I shiver and shift until my legs are spread. I’m wearing a long nightshirt and nothing else. There were no promises between us that we would make love again tonight, but when his rough hand slides up my thigh and he doesn’t find any underwear, he practically growls. “You’re fucking killing me, Juliet.”

I roll my eyes but I’m definitely pleased with my decision to go naked underneath my nightdress. “You’d better show me exactly how much I’m killing you.”

It’s only been a day since we were together but it’s all I’ve been thinking about. The images of our lovemaking keep flashing through my mind on an erotic loop, and I just want more. I’m greedy for the man.

He bites my nipples through the cotton and then all at once, he’s sitting me up and lifting the shirt over my head, tossing it into the sand. The half-moon is my audience, as is the ocean, the sand, the stars, the tall grass behind us––and him. Most of all him.

I’m pale but under this light I’m practically glowing. Suddenly shy, I cover my breasts with my palms and shift my position so that my stomach looks smaller. I’ve gained some weight in the last few years and I don’t want to disappoint him that I’ve changed.

“Don’t you dare hide your body,” he growls. “You’re damn beautiful.”

I don’t know about beautiful but damned might be right.

He lifts my hands away from where I’m covering myself, savoring my naked form, then he nudges my legs apart so he can see me there too––I’m completely bared to him. It might be the most vulnerable I’ve ever been with him except for the moment I told him I loved him.

He’s still completely dressed as he begins kissing my body, but I’m too impatient to wait like I did on our sunset cruise. I sit up and fumble with his shirt. Why did he have to wear something with buttons? “Are you ready for me, baby?” he chuckles low. “So impatient.”

I nod eagerly and he rips the shirt apart, buttons flying, then makes quick work of his shorts. As soon as he’s naked, I push him back, loving the way his brawny form feels underneath my greedy fingertips. The back of his head is in the sand and not on the blanket but neither of us cares. We don’t know how much time we have because what if someone comes out here? This is considered public indecency, not to mention, if one of my family members decides to go on a late-night stroll, we’re screwed.

I climb on top, clutching his hips and lowering myself onto his cock until fully mounted. We simultaneously moan and I begin to ride him. I rock and arch, rolling my sensitive clit against him with each movement. His eyelids flutter as he lets me take the lead. This might be the first time he’s let me do it and I grin as the need for release grows and grows. It’s wonderful and I’m in a rush for it to take over.

Just as I near climax, he lifts up onto his elbows and buries his face into my bouncing breasts. The movement changes our position and slows us down. He bites down on one and a pained pleasure courses through me. My motions become frantic.

“I’m not ready for this to end,” he says, lifting me off him carefully. “Slow down, baby.”

“I’m going to punch you,” I deadpan and he laughs. “Being out here makes me nervous that we’ll get caught,” I confess. “I don’t mind making this one quick.”

His mouth quirks. “I got you, baby. Relax.”

“I don’t know how.”

He kisses my cheek and whispers against my ear. “Get on your hands and knees.”

He’s taking charge again, and that alone relaxes me. I trust him and do as I’m told, my knees sinking into the blanket and hands in the sand. I squeeze it between my fingers as he positions himself behind me.

“You follow instructions so well,” he says, his breath tickling my spine. “You’re such a good girl.”

The praise fills me with happiness as he thrusts back inside. The angle draws a gasp from my lungs and I buck back against him.

“Widen your legs.” His hands are on my hips and then tracing down the curves of my ass as I do as he asks. “Good.”

From this angle, I can’t help but arch my ass up, guiding him in deeper. My breasts hang full and he palms one possessively. He begins to pump and the pressure is by far the deepest I’ve taken him before. It hollows me out and fills me again with each drive of his cock.

“Sure this is going to slow us down?” I pant.

The new angle is intense and I buck back in equal measure. This isn’t going to take long, I’m already so close, and from the sounds he’s making, he’s on the edge right there with me.
