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“Can we use your bathroom? He has bird poop in his hair.”

The woman glanced at my unicorn shirt and dirty shoes. “No. You have to leave.”

I looked up at Barrett, who wasn’t handling this well. “What do you mean, no? Don’t you have a soul? A bird pooped on my hair!” He’d wrapped his tie around his head like Rambo. “What? It’s to stem the bleeding.”

“You’re not bleeding.”

The woman cleared her throat. “If you don’t leave I’m calling the police.”

I huffed. “Fine.” Then I snatched the scissors out of her pencil holder and shouted, “Run!”

Back out on the street, about a block away from the bank, I clutched my knees and caught my breath. “I can’t believe I just robbed a bank for you.”

Barrett skipped after me. “That was fun.”

“Where did you get a lollipop?”

“Dunno, but it’s root beer. Want some?”

I took a lick. “I love root beer. Bend down so I can fix your hair.”

He tipped forward like one of those bird desk ornaments.

“There.” I handed him his hair. “Crisis averted.”

“Pheww, that was close.” He looked up and grabbed me by the shirt. “Look.”

My gaze lifted as I stared up at the hotel we’d been trying to reach. “Fucking. Bingo.”

We jumped and screamed with relief. “We made it!” It was the achievement of a lifetime and I wished Hale was there to share it.

“We’ll take our trophy now!” Barrett yelled, peacocking about like he’d just scored a touchdown.

“Come on.” I tugged him toward the hotel doors and he stumbled after me. “Hi.” I plastered my upper body to the reception counter. “Did a woman drop off a phone here for Rayne Meyers?”


My heart sank. “Are you sure?”

“A man did. Big guy. Dark hair.”

“What man?” My eyes narrowed. “Did he leave a phone for Rayne Meyers?”

“He left this.” The hotel clerk reached under the counter and revealed my clutch from the rehearsal dinner. Relief shot through me as I snatched it to my chest.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you!” Pulling out my phone, I winced at the multiple missed calls from Hale and my euphoria quickly faded. “This is bad.”

I scrolled through his texts, which didn’t start until the middle of the night. The fact that he hadn’t started to worry until after three, showed one of two things. Either the damage to his card was that bad and needed that much attention, or he was that pissed at me for leaving.

I wondered how to respond. After the tenth, where are you he started demanding I answer him. That was several hours ago.

“Here.” Barrett handed me an uncapped beer.

I couldn’t think and my mouth was dryer than a sock, so I drank. “I don’t know what to text him.” When he started to walk, I rushed after him. “Where are you going?”

“I got a room and a pizza from room service.”

“But what about Hale?”
