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“Rayne, are you listening? If you can fly into New York next week, I’ll block off my schedule now.”

I pushed the magazine aside and returned my attention back to wedding-gate. “Hale leaves Monday, so that should work.” I glanced at my planner, checking a few due dates for school. I could finish a few projects on the plane and, without Elara or Hale there to distract me, I’d be able to get some studying done. “I just have to confirm with Andrew that he can care for Elara.”

“Ooh, yeah. Do that. I love my niece, but babies are not allowed in my boutique.”

“Understood. I’ll work something out with the manny.”

“Any word from Josette about the rehearsal venue?”

Josette was my point person for the wedding, but I liked to think of her as the poison taster. She got to see and try everything first, and was currently running around New York searching for the perfect venue to hold our rehearsal dinner now that we booked a rooftop for the ceremony overlooking Fifth Avenue and Rockefeller Center.

Hale loved that he would be able to see the famous Prometheus statue when we said I do. I chalked up his obsession with the god statues to boys being weird and never outgrowing action figures. I loved that the rooftop could only fit seventy-five people, which meant the ceremony would be exclusively for close friends and family.

There was an almost militant chain of command for every decision. Josette scouted, then Quinn approved. At that point, a proposal came to us. Hale weighed in and I surveyed Phina and Elle. If the decision was approved, Quinn paired with Devyn to work out the details and Phina took over the attire. It was sort of like a play with a very involved stage crew. Hale and I were the cast. My only job was remembering my lines.

Since the article with the engagement photos published, Hale’s phone had been ringing off the hook. It was amazing just how many people wanted to be a part of our wedding—or Hale’s, I should say. I foolishly expected the article to ease some of the pressure I felt, but all it did was raise everyone’s expectations.

Hale was going viral while I was fighting crippling imposter syndrome. His soon-to-be-taken status made him such a hot topic, there were even rumors circling that People was considering him for this year’s Sexiest Man Alive.

Then there was me. Phina suggested I hire a PR person to help develop my persona, but I didn’t want a persona. I just wanted all this attention and publicity to go away. Besides, the only person who called me about the article was my mom.

That reminded me… “Phina, do you think you would be able to help my mom with a dress for the wedding?”

“Of course! Send me her sizes. Do you have an idea of what she likes as far as cut and style?”

I shrugged. “She mentioned something about the Dress Factory?—”

“I’ll handle it. Kindly tell her to cease shopping at once.”

“Will do.” I mentally crossed Mom’s Attire off my list.

Surrendering most decisions to Hale’s sister seemed the wisest choice since she was in her element. The more I delegated the less I panicked.

Time was flying. We had a team of people helping us and I could finally envision something close to the final product. But no matter how many invitations, or menus, or mood boards I saw, what I awaited most of all was the look on Hale’s face when we finally made it to the altar. The only thing that mattered to me was becoming his wife.

“Have you finished the seating chart yet?”

My eyes drifted to the enormous pile of index cards on the counter. Hale just added two more guests that morning, so the seating was far from finished. “We’re almost done with it.”

“Rayne,” she said with a stern and knowing look.

“We’ll have it finished before the weekend. I promise.”

“Thank you. Oh, hold on, that’s Josette.”

I frowned. Why was Josette texting Phina before me? I was the bride. Then I remembered that this was what I wanted, and I quickly got over any sense of jealousy.

Seraphina read a text then squealed and clapped.

“What is it?”

“Josette managed to get Rarity Lockhart!”

Was I supposed to know who that was? “Who?”

“She’s a famous New York photographer, Rayne. A great one! Hale knows her brother, Riley. After their father passed away, Hale bought his shares in some big New York company.

I reached for the stack of cards and shuffled my way to the L’s. “Riley and Emma Lockhart?”
