Page 121 of Lawless God

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Even her work outfit is more dressed up than my everyday clothes.

She gives me a sorry smile, her eyes blinking rapidly. “Oh, sweetie, once you choose, I’ll have Melania cut it to any occasion you want. What is it for?”

Who the fuck is Melania? “Just a…” I lick my lips, my eyes darting to Nate again. He’s facing away, looking at the street while he talks with a hand in his pocket. “Just a country club dinner.”

“Sure thing.” Rolling her lips and tasting her red matte lipstick in the process, she nods. “I’m assuming it’s Stoneview Country Club. Is it at Lakeview restaurant, The Moonlight bistro, or The Small Star?”

My eyes widen. How many fucking restaurants do they have?


“That one,” a deep voice says behind me. I turn to look at Nate pointing at one of the dresses. “The one on the right of it too. And the Chanel minidress over there.” He points at a white dress with a huge white flower pinned to the front.

My upper lip curls. I don’t think I’m into fashion. Those dresses look like I’m about to wave at a crowd of voters while holding the president’s hand.

“We’re going to Lakeview. Bring her some shoes too.”

“Of course, Sir.” Suzanna picks the three dresses and heads for the stairs.

He puts a hand on the small of my back. “Go try them on with Suzanna. I just need to make another call, and then I’m coming up for a show.”

His hand goes up, rubbing around the middle of my back. Eyebrows pinched, his eyes bounce between mine. “Your heart is beating insanely fast. Are you okay?”

I nod, biting my bottom lip, but somehow my gaze can’t quite meet his.

“Hey.” He grabs my upper arms and turns me until I’m facing him properly. One hand comes to rest on my cheek, his thumb grazing my lips. “Do you want to name it?”

I jerk in his hold, my instinct telling me to step away, but his other hand is still wrapped around my biceps.

“If you don’t name it”—his eyes capture mine, and I’m drowning in the stormy waves—“I won’t understand it. And if I don’t understand, I can’t help.”

Did he just admit to needing to hear how I feel so he could…help?

I blink up at him. I want more than anything to find something. The truth, honesty. But life with a psychopath wouldn’t be so complicated if I could just read him.

No, with Nate, I have to take risks. I have to jump. I’ll either crash miserably or be caught by the devil himself.

“I’m anxious,” I whisper.

He smiles. “And I thought they called you the ruthless King.”

“Give me a gun and I’ll show you why. But fuck…I’m way out of my depths here.”

He brings me closer to him, his hand sliding to the back of my head, forcing me to crane my neck and for him to become the only thing I see in this room.

“Try something for me, little sunflower. Let go. Be a good little wife, try on some dresses, and let me handle everything.”

A violent no is already at the tip of my tongue, so he cuts me off.

“I promise you, no one will ever know you put down your arms and let me take control.” He leaves a peck on my cheek, whispering close to my ear. “We’ll tell everyone you fought me till the very end. It will be our little secret.”

His phone rings, and he takes a step back. “Are you alright if I take this?”

I nod numbly, and his reassuring hand squeezes my arm one last time before he picks up and walks away.

Upstairs, I try on the three different dresses. One of them is the white one, and she gives me white heels with it. They’re open, with a bow at the back that makes me look like I’m a gift for a sweet sixteen birthday party.

The dress reaches just above my knees, and the flower at the front is so huge it’s less than an inch away from tickling my chin.
