Page 200 of Lawless God

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“Where have you been for six weeks?”

“At my sister’s. With Sam, Rachel, and Lik. It’s been rather annoying. I couldn’t wait to come back to you.”

I shake my head, barely believing how composed he is right now. “I tried to kill you, Nate.”

“You tried to kill me because you wanted to go back to our daughters. Trust me, I would have done the same.”

I push his hand away from my knee, frustration building inside me. “If you knew about them, why didn’t you just give me back my freedom like I asked?”

His hand comes back, holding tighter this time. “Because I thought pushing you would lead you to telling me the truth. Because I became obsessed with you, and because I am standing my ground: You are not free. You are mine.”


“Just because I don’t keep you chained to the floor doesn’t mean your leash is any longer than it was in the last few months, do you understand? I want you. I want my daughters. I want the warmth in my chest when I hold you in my arms, and I want to take care of the three of you. Don’t mistake my need for you as a weakness. If anything, it makes me more dangerous than I’ve ever been, because I didn’t use to care about what happens to the people around me.”

He digs his hard stare in mine, and I welcome the shiver that travels down my spine. “I care what happens to you and those girls. So, you’re not going anywhere, little sunflower.”

“I want to live here. On the North Shore. In this house,” I tell him adamantly.

“Then we’ll live here.”

My eyebrows rise in surprise.

“And I want to come and go as I please.”

“You will, as long as you always come back.”

Excitement brews within me. What kind of madness has taken the both of us that being told he’ll never let me go is making me dizzy with anticipation?

“I want an equal part in your business.” My lungs seize with an exhilaration I can’t control. “Burn the prenup and let me run your empire with you.”

“I told you I wanted you to rule by my side, even if it’s hell we’re ruling.”


“Fine?” His eyes narrow on me, his lips pursing. “Just like that, you’re mine?”

“Just like that? You kidnapped me and forced me to marry you, asshole.”

He chuckles. “True.”

“One last thing.” My voice lowers, a warning sharpening my tone like a knife ready to pierce his heart. “If you ever hurt my daughters—”

“You mean our daughters.”

“No.” A heavy silence falls in the room. “I mean mine. The babies I held, the little girls I raised, the treasures who own my entire heart. If you ever hurt my daughters.” I put my hand on his chest delicately and press where I know his scar is.

He hisses through gritted teeth, but he accepts the pain.

“Then I won’t miss, Nate. If you have to remember one thing I say, remember that.”

He nods sharply, carefully peeling my hand off him.

“I understand. But I would never. And if I did, which would be entirely accidental, you wouldn’t have to do anything. I would rather take my own life than hurt them. Baby, if you thought I was protective before,” he chuckles, quirking an eyebrow, “you just wait.”

Pride warms my belly, sending sparks to my chest and putting a smile on my face. “I’ll allow that level of protectiveness over them.”

“Good.” His hand on my knee slides up, and that gesture only sends electricity to my lower stomach. “Now I have one last request to clear the slate. I have done my share of questionable things to you, and you killed me and hid our daughters from me.”
