Page 212 of Lawless God

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I can feel my face twisting in disgust. “What? Compared to what you left her with? I’m going to guess safety, protection, comfort.”

“You’re a madman.”

“And what better thing in life than to have a madman completely and utterly in love with you? Ready to do anything to keep you happy and safe? Leave. It’s your last chance to do so in one piece.”

I watch her retreat, running back to a rundown car. It’s going to be a long drive home for her.

I’m about to head back inside, when a police car stops right in front of our house. Captain Martinez walks out, his eyes on me as he opens the back door. His expression isn’t pleasant, but I can’t pinpoint what it is. Bad news. If only I had Kayla to explain people to me right now.

He helps someone get out, and my stomach twists painfully when I see Livie. She’s as silent as usual when he takes her hand and walks her to me. I’m already stepping down the porch, striding toward them. Livie lets go of Martinez and runs to me, so I welcome her in my arms, picking her up.

That’s when I notice the blood splattered on her clothes. And it looks like it was on her face too, but someone used a wipe on her.

My sharp gaze snaps back to Martinez.

“I was called to a murder scene by the convenience store on Sycamore Road.”

My arms automatically tighten around Livie. I take another step toward Martinez.

“Emma Scott got shot in the head.”

I look down at Livie’s clothes. Emma’s blood.

“My wife, Martinez,” I hiss. “Where is she?”

His mouth twists as he hooks his thumbs into his belt. “Disappeared into thin air.”

There are a few seconds of silence as we just look at each other. I’m not speechless, simply trying to control my sudden urge to brutally murder a cop.

My wife…is gone.


How am I meant to control the fury starting to boil my blood? It burns my veins painfully. I feel it from my heart, all the way to my wrists. Something hurts.

“What do you mean, disappeared?”

“She’s gone.”

Gone. I’m going to make him choke on that fucking word.

“Then why aren’t you looking for her?” I try to put Livie down, but she tightens her hold on me, so I give up right away. “I want the CCTV from that shop.”

“No CCTV. The only witness was Emma and your kid who don’t talk.” He points at Livie with his chin.

“Don’t talk about my kid.” With that out of the way, I add, “There’s an ATM right in front of the shop.”

He shrugs casually. “No CCTV.”

Alright. So the man has been bought.

“You want to hide things from me, Martinez? Are you forgetting who I am?”

“What you are is someone who’s been weakened by family in a matter of months. And you’re not as scary as the men who got your wife, believe me. I’ll be staying out of that one.”

He turns around, walking back to his car without a fear in the world. My phone rings, timed perfectly with his exit. It’s an unknown number.

“Nathan White.” The Russian accent confirms what I already know.

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