Page 220 of Lawless God

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Of course, he was already on his laptop. “Give me a sec.” I hear him typing for what seems like forever.

I crack my neck, feeling my eye twitch. Come on.

“Found it.”

“What?” After three weeks of bad news, my heart can barely take a good one.

“A white Mustang drove past the station a couple of minutes after the time the CCTV stops in the parking lot. I’ve got a license plate. ADC 3358. It’s a New York plate.”

“Holy shit.” My mouth drops open, and I have to shake my head to bring myself back. “I need you to find this car. Hack the highway cameras, every single one. I don’t care. Just tell me where it went. And find out who this car belongs to.”

I hang up on him, realizing Caden is back now. “This is still far from finding Kay,” he says. “It’s just the car that took her.”

I come face to face with him, barely a few inches away.

“Listen to me. I have had a part of my heart ripped away by the Wolves. I could barely survive the first day; I don’t even know how I survived three weeks. But I will not stop looking for her until she is found. If it’s not with that car, I will find the man who owns it and break every single one of his bones until I get information. If that doesn’t bring me to her, I will burn every single fucking house down in the state of New York until I get my hands on my wife. Do you understand? I am not stopping. Not until I get her back.”

I observe him for a few seconds of silence before adding, “So are you with me or not?”

All he gives me is a nod, but I’ll take it.

By the evening, once I’ve read to the girls and put them to bed, I’ve gathered everyone again. Because I know today is the day I find Kayla, and I need all of them to do so.

Fuck, I even laid out an arsenal of weapons on the long table in my dining room.

I’m coming. Don’t worry. I’m coming.

We’ve all been waiting silently, as Jake is still typing on his laptop. I can’t stop scratching my beard, pacing, playing with my gun. It has to happen. It has to be now.

“The car belongs to a man called Bogdan Vasiliev.”

My sister’s head snaps up from her phone.

“What?” Blood drains from her face, and that makes my heart kick into gear.

“Do you know him?” I ask.

“He—he was Aleksei’s right-hand. He must have taken over human trafficking when Aleksei was killed.”

Jake speaks again, bringing my gaze back to him. “I lost them between this exit, and that one.” He points at two points on a map. “There’s no exit in-between so I’m not sure where they disappeared. And the two are ten miles apart.” He shakes his head. “There’s nothing else I can do.”

“There’s a place Bogdan would mention in passing,” Rose says. Rachel stands behind her, her hands on her shoulders. “But I have no idea where in the country it is. It…it could lead nowhere. I always assumed it was just some bar or something.”

“The name, Ozy,” I snap, my patience wearing thin.

“The Nightcap.”

Jake is already on it, typing it on a map.

When the location pops up, my stomach drops. It’s right along the highway. Between those two exits.

My head snaps back up, and everyone understands because they’re already standing. Sam is packing weapons on his body, Lik copying him. Xi, Ethan, Elliot, Caden, they’re all grabbing guns. Some to avenge the dead, some to save the living.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” I look at Caden grabbing a gun from Billie.

“Packing to kill the men who murdered my sister.”

“Little Bee,” he chuckles. “Am I going to have to tie you up to this chair to stop you from doing anything stupid?”
