Page 219 of Lawless God

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“I contacted the men from the Wolves who used to deal me arms, like you asked.” His flat voice reminds me of mine, and I wonder if I always sound so empty.

“And?” I ask as I close the door. “What did they say?”

“They said they didn’t even know she’d been taken. They don’t deal with humans, only weapons. They also said they wouldn’t tell me if they did because Kayla King deserved what happened to her after betraying the Wolves and marrying the man who killed one of them with his bare hands.”

I stop by my desk, the same daily disappointing feeling washing over me. Every time I think of something that could get me closer to her, it leads nowhere.

“Which reminded me,” Caden keeps going. “That it was a marriage she didn’t even have a choice in.” He puts his hand on the table, holding a gun. “That she would have never been a target for the Wolves if it wasn’t for you.”

He points the gun at me, but I stand still.

“Cade,” Jade says quickly. “This is stupid.”

“You’re frustrated,” I add, as if I could know.

“That’s an understatement.”

“Whatever it is you feel, I feel the same.” I lean closer to him. “Do you want to act like an idiot and kill the man your sister loves? The twins’ father? So what? So when Kay is finally free, she can hate you with all she has?”

His head tilts to the side. “You’re driven by a hope that will lead nowhere. They got her. They’ve had her for three weeks. If we ever get her back, she won’t be the same. And that’s all because of you.”

I clench my jaw, so infuriated I could snap his neck. And yet, I keep it in. “Do you think I don’t know that?”

He straightens his arm, and the only reason I’m not ready to be shot by yet another person with the King last name is because I don’t want to leave my daughters behind. Because I know, deep down, I will find my wife and bring her back.

I just don’t know when.

The sound of the door opening startles us both, and when Caden’s eyes go behind me, he hides the gun right away.

“Daddy!” Lia’s voice is not excited. It’s as angry as this little spitfire can get. A lot.

Her furious steps run toward me, and she pulls at the hem of my shirt even though I’m already turning around.

“You said Mommy is with Nanna!” She puts her little fists on her hips like Kay does when she’s angry at me. “Livie says she’s with the men!”

“Livie talked?” I ask, shock lowering my voice.

“Livie no talk,” she answers like I’m stupid. “I understand Livie. And she says Mommy is with the men in the white car with the horse. You lied, Daddy. That’s bad. Mommy said lying is bad. You lied.”

“The white car with the horse?” I repeat. I fall to my knees, taking my daughter’s hands. “Is that what Livie saw? Did she say Mommy was in that car?”

“Yes,” she insists, her face pinches as she shows me how mad she is at me.

“A Mustang,” Jade says right away. “She means a white Mustang.”

“Or a Ferrari?” Caden asks her.

She shakes her head. “Ferraris aren’t exactly ideal to kidnap someone. It’s got to be a Mustang.”

Emotions surge inside me. “Thank you, Lia,” I say, giving her a kiss on the head.

“You lied, Daddy.”

“And that’s really bad,” I confirm. “But I’ll make it right.”

I grab my phone right away as Caden takes Lia with him out of the office.

“Jake,” I say as soon as my brother picks up. “Check those gas station videos again. We’re possibly looking for a white Mustang.”
