Page 227 of Lawless God

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“Of course I would have. But I would have been discreet. Mrs. Caldon wouldn’t have called you to tell you I”—it’s my turn to wave my hand in front of my throat—“Suzie’s mom.”

“Suzie is not nice,” Lia jumps in.

“What?” I snap my head toward her. “What did she do? Do you want Daddy to talk to her?”

She shrugs. “She pushed me once.”

Kay and I both turn around from the counter, facing our daughters.

“She pushed you?” I repeat, my voice lowering. “Where does Suzie live?”

“With her mommy.”

I narrow my gaze, a million ways to kill the entire Suzie family running through my head.

“Nate. Do not hurt that family,” Kay jumps in.

“What? Why? Suzie terrified my daughter.”

“She is not terrified. Lia, honey. How do we help Daddy with how we feel?”

“We name it,” she says proudly. “How we feel.”

“Tell Daddy how you feel about Suzie.”

Lia shrugs dramatically. “I don’t care.”

“See?” Kay says. “She doesn’t care. Suzie doesn’t scare my tough daughter. Don’t worry.”

Later that night, Kay catches me on my laptop in bed when she comes back from reading a story to the girls. She’s getting so much better at it and she loves to show off her progress. Her speech therapy has really been helping.

I’m going through the family names of the people in the girls’ preschool while on the phone.

“Surely, you can find the address with their full name. I have an email address.”

“Nate,” my brother yawns on the other end of the line. “For the last time, I will not look up this family’s address so you can go commit a murder. Now let me sleep.”

He hangs up on me.

“Nate,” Kay hisses. “We said no.”

She slams my laptop shut.

“She pushed her,” I answer simply. “I won’t hurt the child. It’s not her fault her parents are terrible. I’ll just kill the—”


I huff, running my hand against my face. “Fine. But if little Suzie ever hurts Lia or Livie again—”

“She won’t. Come on. No more thinking of killing that family.”

She puts the laptop away and turns back to me, taking off the only thing she was still wearing. One of my t-shirts. My eyes take her in, especially the tattoo of a sun. She’s so mine.

“I see you trying to distract me from the topic.”

“Is it working?” She straddles me, pulling my boxers down and rubbing her wet entrance against the ridge of my dick.

“It certainly is,” I growl, as I feel myself getting hard. “Keep going.”
