Page 29 of Lawless God

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Little sunflower, do you have any idea what everyone in this town thinks of you?

The words he said back then echo in my suffering skull.

Kayla, the ruthless King. Ready to follow in her father’s footsteps. Ready to paint this town red, for her crew to be on top.

I grunt, wanting his voice out of my head while knowing perfectly well it comes from my own memories. He’d played this song back then too while I was tied to his bed, and he was circling it with a kitchen knife in his hand.

Kayla King is a cold, heartless woman. She doesn’t feel anything, only the need for power. She’ll do anything to rule the North Shore.

I cough, my throat so dry I feel like I’m choking on sand.

Kayla King. Do not get on her bad side. She’ll slit your throat without a single thought.

I squeeze my eyes shut, my chest tightening so much I can’t breathe anymore. I need this fucking song off.

Look at me, Kayla. My eyes open. Despite the darkness, I could swear he’s right here, calling my name. But it’s just the memory of that night. Everyone fears you. And you? You only fear me. Everyone fears Kayla King, while I have her in my bed, at my mercy, scared for her fucking life.

I drag in air, coughing some more as a whimper escapes me. As if it wasn’t enough for Nate to haunt me in my sleep for four years, the vivid memories now torture me during my waking moments.

Lost in my anguish, I forget about reality and startle when the music stops suddenly. I feel deaf, like leaving a concert and all that’s left is a lingering hum and the feeling that everyone speaks too quietly.

I can only tell there’s a door somewhere in front of me because of the line of light that appears underneath it. It forces me to lift my head as much as I can—which isn’t much. Quickly, it’s followed by a block of light spreading in the room when the door opens only long enough for a tall form to get inside before it closes and the light disappears.

There’s a flash, and I hiss as my eyes squeeze shut, my chin meeting my chest again. My eyes burn despite being protected by my eyelids. That fucker turned on the light as if I haven’t spent God knows how long in a pitch-black room. The pounding in my head is unbearable, and I feel like I’m going to pass out again. Except I force myself not to this time.

One should not lower their guard when they’re in a room with the devil.

“Rise and shine, little sunflower.”

The simple clicking sound of what I know are perfect leather Oxfords advancing toward me is enough to make me want to disappear into the darkness again.

There’s no stopping the fear making my body jump when his hand threads into my hair. I hiss when he pulls, forcing my head to lift. My neck screams, my skull ready to explode.

Breathing becomes nearly impossible when he tilts my head back, my neck now in the exact opposite position it’s been for many hours.

“Open your eyes and look at me, Kayla.”

I tremble at the gratification in his tone. Nate doesn’t feel. Not happiness or love. Not fear or sadness. He has two modes. Satisfied. Frustrated. That’s it.

He likes a challenge, and he likes when the reward is high.

I have always been a challenge to him.

He saw similarities between me and him, and he wanted to play with that.

What can hurt Kayla King?

What can make her feel?

What can make her cry?

What will make her fear for her life?

I know better than to play tough when I’m in an impossible situation. There’s nothing I can do to defend myself right now, and it’s better to give him what he wants. To keep him appeased.

It takes me a long minute to blink my eyes open. The light is white, harsh, and my eyes are watery on top of a dizzy vision. All I can see past the blurriness are two beautiful, empty, midnight-colored eyes.

So. Fucking. Empty.
