Page 39 of Lawless God

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She shakes her head. “No. You’re not touching me.”

“I am touching you right now.” Isn’t that obvious?

“You’re not touching me…there.”

“What are you, fifteen? You can’t say don’t touch my pussy?”

She eyes me silently for a few seconds.

“Will you stop if I tell you ‘don’t touch my pussy?’” she bites back.

“No.” And to prove my point, I put one hand on her knee, pulling her legs apart, and cup her pussy with the other.

“Nate…” she gasps. “Stop.” I push past her lips and press threateningly against her entrance at the same time as I bring my other hand to her hair, holding her in place.

“No. I think it’s about time we talk about your future, or lack thereof, if you don’t start behaving.”

She twists, but there’s nowhere for her to go, and she freezes again when I breach her entrance with a single finger.

“Stop moving or I’ll make it hurt. And then it’ll make you wet and you’ll end up enjoying something you don’t want. That’ll be hard on your conscience, you know it.”

“What the fuck do you want from me?” she grunts.

“I’m glad you asked. And before I tell you, I think we should rewind a little bit. Remind ourselves why you’re in this position in the first place. Because once you know, you’ll think I’m a bastard, Kay. But I want you to remember exactly why I’m doing it, and that you’re the one who started this. That all’s fair in love and war. You proved it four years ago, didn’t you?”

I pull harder at her hair, making her wince in the process and hardening my cock. It is so deeply satisfying when I know she’s in pain, no matter the degree of it. As long as I’m the one inflicting it.

“Kayla,” I start, in all seriousness. And I know that angers her. Especially when I tip my mouth into half a smile on purpose to provoke her. “Why are you getting wet already?”

She’s incapable of replying, especially not when I push farther inside her.

I shake my head, tsking her for being a silly girl. “Don’t blame me for your own way of being fucked up.” I pull out my fingers, pressing them against her clit and rubbing languid circles.

“What did you do to me, little sunflower? Why do you deserve what I’m about to tell you?”

Her lips part, as if to say something, inhaling sharply, but then she shakes her head. She doesn’t want to talk because she doesn’t want to moan.

“What did you do when you lied in court, pretending you saw me kill Vladimir Volkov?” Since she wants to play dumb, I’ll narrow the questions until she gives me what I want to hear.

I keep playing with her clit, feeling the way it swells against my fingers, then I pause for a few seconds so she can refocus. Stupid girl can’t even multitask.

She gasps, her chest trembling. “I did what I had to do to stay on top. You would have done the same. In fact, you did.”

Her little reminder of me working with the feds to send Mateo Bianco to prison does nothing to make me lose my focus. I couldn’t care less how the man disappeared, as long as the throne was free for me to sit on.

I push two fingers inside her, watching as her eyes flutter shut before she takes control of herself again. She bites her lower lip when I start moving.

“What did you take away from me, Kayla? Say it. When you sent me away for almost four years, what did you take. Away. From. Me.” I punctuate the end of my sentence with sharp pressure on her G-spot.

That finally gives me what I want.

“Your freedom,” she moans, letting her head fall slack against my hand in her hair.

“Say it again.”

“I-I,” she pants. “I took your freedom away.”

I nod, keeping my gaze on her as she slowly opens her eyes again. “And now I’m going to take yours.”
