Page 43 of Lawless God

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I draw my gun from my holster and aim it at Law.

“Nate,” she hisses with fury. “You said you would keep my most useful men alive. These two are the ones I need the most. You can’t just come back and kill whoever you want.”

“Well, here’s your first lesson. I can come back and kill whoever I want. And what you say or don’t say makes no difference to me at all. Your lesson is as follows: You need to start keeping your boys in check. Because when they suggested ending Kayla, and I specifically said I wanted her alive, and when on top of that, you gave a direct order not to kill her, I would expect them to follow said order. Instead, they caught her outside the warehouse and chased her through the forest to make her a casualty of the night.”

“You fucking what?” Emma shouts at them. “What the fuck went through your head?”

“A bullet,” I answer. Then, I shoot Law directly in the head, unfortunately painting my wall in blood and brain splatter. Splashes of it land on Logan too, and he takes a few steps back as he starts retching.

Emma closes her eyes for a few seconds, before staring daggers at me, but she stays quiet because she knows her place.

And then I shoot Logan in the thigh.

His scream is pathetic, before he falls to the floor and screeches like a banshee. He presses his two hands on the wound, blood gushing out from between his fingers.

“He needs a hospital,” I tell her flatly. “And you need to make sure when I give an order, I won’t have to worry about some people in your crew not following.”

I put the gun back in the holster I keep around my shoulders, take my tumbler of whiskey, and lean against my desk. “Any questions?”

The whimpers of fuck, fuck, fuck from Logan are complete background noise as I look at Emma and wait for her answer.

“No questions,” she says in a low voice, barely able to contain her rage.

“I’m glad. You may leave.” I walk back around my desk, ready to sit down. “Oh, and Emma?”

She looks up from where she’s crouching next to Logan. “Take Law with you.”

It takes them a while to leave, even with Sam’s help, but the second they’re finally gone, I reach for my phone again, calling an old friend of mine.

“You’ve reached Martinez.”

“It’s Nathan White.”

“At this time of night, I thought so. What can I do for you?”

“Kayla King, you know her, right?”

“Sure do.”

I turn around to face my window, thinking of my little sunflower out there, probably thinking my promises in the bathroom earlier were just threats. Probably believing with all her being she can escape me.

“Pay her a little visit. Start with her house. If she isn’t there, I’ll send you some addresses to try.”

“Tomorrow’s my little girl’s birthday. I took the day off.”

“And you should enjoy that time with your kid. Give Kayla two days.”

The woman is about to be legally mine for the rest of her life. I’m a fair man, I can give her a few days to prepare.



Welcome To The Fire - Willyecho

I burst through the door of Elliot and Ethan’s house, everything around me feeling suffocating.

My vision is so blurry I think I hit a wall before I can right myself.
