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Finally. Action. Thank God.

Hawk shook the tension from his arms as they follow him into the truck cab then out to the van parked in front of it. The entire road of the industrial area was lined with vehicles like theirs, allowing Zoran’s to be inconspicuous. Several along this curb belonged to the Kuznetsovs, and minutes later, Hawk and Cannon were in a “plumbing repair” van, changing into the tuxes. The Russian waited in the driver’s seat then swiveled to look at them once they were finished.

“You will go in and try to get close to the girl. Not too close. Not until the signal.” He handed Hawk a small key. “When hell erupts, you will use this to release her. Then you will get her out of the building while my men cover your backs. A town car will await you outside. Jax will be waiting at the airport.” He reached for a tablet then held it out to show a schematic of the warehouse. “You will enter here. You will be directed here to the ballroom. Once you have your woman, the car will be here.”

He pointed to various areas while they leaned in to look.

“That looks very public,” Cannon said.

“Da. My men will assist you in getting out. Once you are in the town car, you will be taken directly to the airport where Jax will already be waiting. Hear me well. You were never here. You have never heard of the Kuznetsov Bratva. You were on a trip to Kentucky to purchase horses. They will be delivered to your facility in two weeks.”

“Understood. You got a gun? I want to go in there armed,” Hawk said.

Zoran raised an eyebrow at him. “You would shoot a man? This is not a video game. Most men would drop their weapon if an adversary charged them. What about you, Cowboy from Wyoming?”

“I’m not from Wyoming. I’m from Los Angeles,” Hawk countered. His hard stare never leaving the Russian, he unbuttoned his cuff then tugged up his left shirt sleeve enough to show the inside of his forearm. “I’ve never been much for needles and tattoos, so I only have this one, but I’m sure you recognize this mark.”

Zoran flicked his gaze over the black skull and crown. “Da. I know that mark. One of the notorious gangs in this area, as well. Thorns in my ass, actually. You got free of them?”

“With effort. I vowed I’d never go back to that life, but here I am, ready to tear down this city.”

“There will be no need for your destruction, though this place will not be standing by morning. We will ensure that.” Zoran touched an earpiece Hawk hadn’t noticed before and snapped out something in Russian, then he pulled a weapon from the holster at his back. “Do not lose this, Hawk Quidell. Only use it if it is absolutely necessary.”


“I do not have a weapon for you, as well,” the Russian told Cannon. Hawk doubted that was true. The man probably had several more pieces on him.

Cannon held up his hands. “Don’t want one. Never shot anything but the rifle I use at the ranch.” His mouth lifted in a half-grin. “Not even in a video game.”

Zoran nodded, all business. “Get inside, get near her, and wait. You will know when to act.”

“Okay,” they both said.

“You can remember this? And your cover story?”

“Never met you. Never even heard of you,” Cannon replied.

“Been in Kentucky,” Hawk added, which was just fine with him. As long as they got in and out quickly, he didn’t want to remember a second of this nightmare.

Agitation vibrated through him while he ready for battle. He remembered this uncomfortable feeling. The nerves jumping through him. Barely being able to stand still. Jonesing for the rush to explode into action—all without a single drug touching him.

Zoran looked out the van’s passenger window. “Ah, your limo is here. Let us go.”

Minutes later, a doorman let them out of the car they’d only been in for moments. They were ushered inside the building. Guards, who looked scarier than Zoran ever had, scanned the invitation Zoran had given them a second before they’d gotten in the limo.

Another man checked them for weapons and wires—at least, Hawk thought that was the purpose of the hand-held scanner. He tensed, knowing he had the gun tucked into the back of his waistband. They could be in trouble without even getting past the front doors.

But the guy never said a word when he should have detected the gun. He straightened with a small smile and met Hawk’s eyes, giving an almost indecipherable single nod. Zoran’s man. Had to be.

Before Hawk could digest the fact they’d made it inside, they were ushered into the ballroom, appearing to be one of myriad men interested in bidding on the merchandise of the day.

Hawk went rigid when he saw Dev. Some guy said something to her that must be a taunt, and she stepped back slightly, stiff but otherwise not reacting with even so much as a shake of her head.

So strong. God, Hawk was proud of her.

Still, he wanted to pull out his gun and put a hole in the asshole who’d just spoken to her.

“Breathe,” Cannon growled at him, hand grasping his arm, and Hawk wondered if he’d been unconsciously reaching for the weapon. “Fucking breathe and don’t look like you’re about to hulk out.”
