Page 32 of Mountain Man's Need

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All I can do is shake my head. Our grandmothers have been at war since before either of us were born. I can't remember them ever going this long without some sort of mischief. It feels creepy.

Heavy boot steps on the boardwalk interrupt us and when I turn, I see my sexy hubby heading toward us.

"He's lucky his grandmother owns this building," Hawk glowers at the cattywampus truck in front of the building taking up a good three parking spaces. "I ought to ticket him for that." He grumbles before turning his attention toward us instead.

"Hello, ladies."

The town sheriff doffs his hat, holds it to his chest and gives Zephyr a polite little head bow. Then my husband holds that hat up to block Zephyr's view while he drops a searing kiss on my lips and brushes a thumb over one of my nipples so casually, he could almost convince me it was accidental-- but I know him better than that.

"Could you guys go be gross in love somewhere else, please?"

"As a matter of fact, I was just coming to see if my wife was about ready to do exactly that." Hawk's eyes on me and my swollen belly, his look full of pride and hunger.

"Does that mean you're off-duty Deputy Hawkins?" I tease.

That uniform is still ugly as hell, but he does look damn good in it.

"The law is never off-duty in these parts, Mrs. Hawkins." He winks down at me, giving his hat a low-key tip with just a touch to the brim.

"Oh my God, you two...Go!" Zephyr shoos me with both hands, "I have to stop by and see Mom and Grams before I go home anyway."

"Love you." I blow her a kiss from my side of the table and hold up my hands for Hawk to pull me out of the chair. I don't make it easy on him, making him show off the muscles that can still lift me like I weigh nothing, even with the two extra people I'm carrying around now.

Zephyr jumps up to give me a hug before gathering her things and heading for her car, glaring toward her brother's truck and shaking her head with a scowl before driving off in the direction of Hart's Gulch.

Hawk keeps his arm wrapped around me as he guides me down the steps like I'm blind but I've learned not to argue with him about his protectiveness. And maybe I don't actually mind if everyone in town sees that he's mine.

Besides, with him hanging on to me this way, it's easy to grab his ass.

"Did you just assault an officer of the law?"

He smirks as he holds open the door of the car and helps me maneuver into the seat.

"You gonna arrest me?" I hold my wrists out together for him like I'm waiting for him to cuff me, and look up at him through my lashes.

Hawk growls at me, stepping close so the open door of the SUV hides him as he draws one of my hands toward him and presses it over the bulge in his pants.

"No way, Rebel-- I'm definitely not giving you the right to remain silent."

* * *
