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As usual, we start on the treadmills, the pounding rhythm of our feet matching the pounding of my heart. I glance over to see Tanya running effortlessly, barely breaking a sweat. She turns and catches me looking, winking at me playfully.

I turn away to hide my blush, cursing at how easily she unravels me. But when Tanya reaches over to increase my speed and incline, I don’t protest. I never do. Because the truth is, I’d follow Tanya anywhere. As our workout intensifies, so does the connection between us. An electric current that makes me feel alive and breathless all at once.

By the end of our session, we’re both drenched in sweat but grinning at each other. Tanya’s hand lingers on my arm, and our eyes meet in a heated gaze.

I know this is the start of something I may not be ready for. But when it comes to Tanya, I’m willing to take the risk.

When each workout ends, I find myself counting down the hours until I see Tanya again, craving the intensity of our workouts and the intimacy that follows.

Today we’re doing a circuit of squats, lunges, and box jumps. Tanya barks orders at me like a drill sergeant, pushing me to go faster and higher. I obey without question, driven by the fire in her eyes and the desire to impress her.

When I stumble on a box jump, Tanya is there to catch me. Her hands grip my waist, and our bodies press together as my heart slams against my ribs.

“Careful there,” she whispers, her breath hot against my ear. I swallow hard, barely trusting myself to speak.

Tanya steps away, leaving me dizzy and wanting. I watch her demonstrate the next exercise, her muscles rippling under her skin as she moves with power and grace. Heat coils in my gut at the sight of her, this woman who infuriates and enthralls me all at once. I know I should maintain proper student-trainer boundaries, but it’s far too late for that. And, being honest, that just adds to the excitement.

I’m already hers; body and soul. As she looks over at me, eyes dark with desire, I know she feels the same. The rules have gone out the window now, burned away by the fire she’s ignited inside me. All that’s left is this: two souls and bodies drawn together through sweat and passion. And an attraction that grows deeper with each fleeting touch, each smoldering gaze.

“So, tomorrow is cheat day,” says Tanya. “You can go wild!”

“Whoop!” I grin from ear to ear. “Join me?”

She looks momentarily stunned at the suggestion, then gives me a smile. “Why not? But just so we’re clear. It’s not a date.”

“It’s not a date,” I say, winking at her. She doesn’t wink back, which disturbs me a little, but I try not to think about it.

“Good. Now back to work,” she instructs me.

We launch into our workout, pushing each other to go faster and further like always. But there’s a new layer of intimacy and affection between us now. Our touches linger, our gazes meet more often, and we share subtle smiles and laughs.

We continue the workout, and as always, I feel the sexual tension build with each heated glance and each touch of our bodies. By the time we finish, desire burns hot in my veins, urging me to take Tanya right here and now. But I restrain myself.

“Ready to hit the showers?” Tanya asks, a hint of shyness in her tone. It’s clear she’s thinking the same thing I am.

“Together?” I raise a brow, unable to resist teasing her.

She smacks my arm but laughs. “Maybe next time.” A blush stains her cheeks. “I’m meeting a friend today. I’ll see you tomorrow?”

“It’s a date.” I kiss her, keeping it brief but passionate. “I’ll pick you up at eight.”

“It’s a non-date,” she smiles, squeezing my hand before heading off to get changed. I watch her go, already counting the minutes until I see her again. This is the start of an incredible new chapter of my life, and I can’t wait to explore all the possibilities with this woman who has captured my heart.

The next evening, I pick Tanya up at her place at eight on the dot. She answers the door in a little black dress that hugs her curves, her hair tumbling over her shoulders in loose curls. She’s stunning.

“You look beautiful,” I say, handing her a bouquet of flowers.

“Thank you.” She sniffs the flowers, her eyes shining. “These are lovely.”

“Not as lovely as you.” I tuck a curl behind her ear, my knuckles grazing her cheek.

Desire flickers on her face. “Are you trying to seduce me, Mr. Russo?”

“Is it working?”

She laughs, the sound like music to my ears. “Maybe. You’ll have to try harder than that, though.”

“Challenge accepted.” I take her hand, pressing a kiss to her fingers. “Shall we?”
