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By the time she knocks on the front door, I’ve composed myself. I paste on a smile and usher her inside. “Hey sweetheart, I didn’t expect you until this afternoon.”

“I finished my errands early.” Diane breezes past me in a whirl of blonde hair and floral perfume. “I was in the neighborhood, so I thought I’d surprise you. Everything okay? You seem…tense.”

She’s too perceptive for her own good. I brush off her concern with a chuckle. “Just busy at work, that’s all. But I’m glad you’re here—it’ll give me a chance to relax.”

Diane eyes me doubtfully, and I keep my expression open and guileless. After a moment, she accepts my explanation. While she chatters about her week, I breathe an inward sigh of relief.

As long as I can keep her distracted for the next few hours, she’ll be none the wiser. And once she leaves, the real work can begin. The work of finding Zane and reminding him why you don’t threaten what belongs to Brian Russo.

Over coffee at the kitchen table, Diane launches into a heartfelt monologue about her life plans. “Dad, did I tell you Michael’s decided to move to London?” Her eyes shine with excitement behind thick-framed glasses. “I think he might even propose soon. We’re jokingly talking of having a summer wedding. Dad, I have a feeling he’s going to ask me to marry him—this summer! If that works with your schedule. I know how busy you are, but…it would mean the world to me if you walked me down the aisle.”

Her words hit me like a punch to the gut. I’ve been so focused on revenge that I hadn’t been paying any attention to Diane at all. Shame washes over me in a sickening wave. What kind of father have I become, that violence is more important than the milestones in my little girl’s life? Tanya was right. My quest for vengeance is going to cost me everything that really matters.

I reach across the table to squeeze Diane’s hands. “Sweetheart, I’m so sorry. Of course I’ll walk you down the aisle—I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

Diane’s eyes fill with tears of joy. “You mean it? I was so worried that…with the busy schedule you have, you might not…”

“Hey,” I swallow the lump in my throat. “You’re the best thing in my life. I’ll always be there for you, no matter what.”

It’s the truth I should have accepted from the start. No revenge is worth sacrificing my daughter’s happiness, or the chance at a new beginning with Tanya. I’ve been a fool. But I can still make this right—starting by handing that footage over to the police and putting an end to this madness once and for all.

The next morning, I call Detective Collins and arrange to meet him at the station. It’s time to do the responsible thing like Tanya wanted all along.

When I arrive, Collins greets me with a frown. “Mr. Russo. I have to say, I’m surprised to see you here. You’re the last person one expects to hear from around these parts.”

“Yeah, well,” I rub the back of my neck, “let’s just say I’ve gained some perspective. I have footage of something that might help you catch a murderer. There was an attack at my house, and I believe the attacker was responsible for the murder of Bennett Warren. Clear shots of Zane Myers and his men. Thought it was time I handed it over.”

Collins’ eyes widen. “You’re serious?”

“Dead serious.” I slide the USB drive across the table. “The footage is all here. Times, locations…everything you need to identify and arrest those thugs.”

He whistles under his breath, staring at the drive like it’s solid gold. “Mr. Russo, this is…this is huge. If this footage can conclusively prove Myers was behind the attack…”

“It will,” I say quietly. “I made sure of that.”

Collins shakes his head. “I don’t know what to say. You’re doing the right thing here—the responsible, decent thing. Zane and his men won’t get away with this, not anymore.” He meets my gaze, gratitude etched into every line of his face. “Thank you. Sincerely. Thank you for this.”

I nod. It’s the least I can do—for Diane, for Tanya, and for the man I still hope to become. “You’re welcome. Just get out there and catch them, all right?”

“That’s exactly what we plan to do.” Collins pockets the drive, determination blazing in his eyes. “We’ll take it from here, Mr. Russo. You’ve done your part.”

At long last—the words I’ve needed to hear. I stand up to leave, my shoulders light in a way they haven’t been for months. It’s over. The nightmare is finally over.

I walk out of the station with purpose in my stride, breathing in the fresh morning air. Collins and his team have the footage now. They’ll identify Zane and his men, track them down, and lock them away for a long, long time.

My phone buzzes in my pocket. I pull it out to find a text from some random marketing agent. I sigh, realizing I’m disappointed. I was hoping it would be Tanya. I try calling her. She still doesn’t pick up. So, instead, I drop her a text.

Hey, you. I know it’s late, but I was thinking about you. About us. I miss you.

A slow smile spreads across my face as I tap out the following message.

I have good news—the nightmare’s over. I gave Collins and his team the footage to identify and arrest Zane. It’s done.

The response comes through a moment later.

Are you serious? Oh wow, Brian, that’s incredible! I’m so proud of you for doing the right thing. I hope you can now see that you can have your future back. When can I see you? I want to celebrate properly ;)

Joy and relief flood through me in equal measure. Through all the darkness, Tanya has been my light. Now we can walk into the future together, hand in hand.
