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Brian braces me against the shower wall, and with one sharp thrust, he’s inside me. A broken cry escapes me as he begins to move, slow and deep. The water rains down around us, steam rising in clouds, cocooning us in our own world. Nothing’s ever felt so right. I cling to Brian as he picks up the pace, driving into me hard and fast. The slap of skin-on-skin echoes in the enclosed space, punctuated by our ragged breaths and moans. Brian tilts my hips up, changing the angle, and stars burst behind my eyes. “There,” I gasp. “Right there.”

He thrusts again and again, hitting that spot deep inside. The tension coils tighter and tighter within me until I shatter, coming with a muffled scream. Brian follows a moment later. He pulls out and with a guttural groan, cums all over my thighs. We stay locked together, panting, as the water washes over us.

We embrace for what feels like an eternity. I feel limp and sated, but, eventually, guilt starts creeping back in. What have we done? Diane would be devastated if she found out.

As if reading my thoughts, Brian cups my face in his hands. “We shouldn’t do this again while she’s here,” he says softly. “It’s just for a little while longer.”

I swallow hard, torn in too many directions to count. “I know,” I say. “This was just a slip-up.”

“A slip-up,” he says.

The water’s gone cold by the time we finally leave the shower. Brian towels me off gently, his hands lingering in a way that makes it clear our encounter in the shower was not the end.

“What if Diane’s not left?” I remind him, trying to sound stern despite my body’s traitorous response to his touch. “What if that was someone else driving away? The gardener or something?”

“So, we’ll have to be quick.” He nips at my ear as his hands slide down to cup my ass.

I smack his hands away, ignoring my protesting body. “No, absolutely not. We can’t do this here. If Diane were to walk in on us…”

I trail off, struck by a sudden thought. In my haste to follow Brian into the shower, I completely forgot that I’d noticed Diane’s wallet in the gym. She could come in at any moment to get it. She could already be here for all I know. I tell Brian what I saw. “She might need it for her appointment,” I say, panicking.

Anxiety rises in my chest as I hurry to get dressed, cursing myself for being so careless. Brian seems unconcerned, watching me with a small smile as he slowly pulls on a pair of shorts.

“Relax,” he says. “Diane always knocks first. She won’t just show up unannounced.”

“You don’t know that.” I yank my shirt over my head, searching the room for my discarded panties. “She could be in a hurry to make her appointment. She could come in any time.”

“Tanya.” Brian catches my arm, stilling my frantic movements. “Calm down. Diane isn’t here. She’s probably got more than one wallet.”

I open my mouth to argue, but at that moment we hear the front door open and Diane calls out, “Dad? Tanya? Are you guys here?”

Panic surges anew as Diane’s footsteps come down the hall, getting closer and closer. Brian and I stare at each other with wide, horrified eyes. We’re frozen in place as Diane reaches the gym.

The door swings open—and Diane stops dead in her tracks, shock etched into every line of her face. Her cheeks flush an angry red as she takes in the sight of us standing there half-dressed, the air heavy with the scent of sex. “How could you?” she demands, her voice shaking. “How could you lie to me like that?”

Guilt and shame wash over me in a sickening wave. I open my mouth, grasping for words, but nothing comes out. What can I possibly say to make this right?

“Diane, I’m sorry,” Brian says, stepping forward with his hands raised in a placating gesture. “We never meant to hurt you.”

“Like hell you didn’t!” Diane’s eyes blaze with fury as she turns on him. “All this time you were screwing around behind my back. My own father and my best friend.” Her lips curl in disgust. “How could I have been so stupid to have believed you?”

“We’re sorry,” I whisper, a lump forming in my throat. “We never meant for you to find out this way.”

“Find out what way?” Diane laughs harshly. “Did you really think you could keep this from me forever? That I wouldn’t eventually catch on that my dad was sleeping with my best friend?”

I flinch at her crudeness, tears pricking at my eyes. She isn’t wrong, though. We betrayed her, and now our lies have blown up in our faces in the worst possible way.

Diane shakes her head, the anger in her expression shifting into something colder and more resigned. “Just get out,” she says flatly. “Both of you. I don’t want to see either of your faces right now.”

She turns and stalks out of the room, slamming the door behind her. Silence falls over the gym, heavy and accusing, as Brian and I are left to face the ruin of Diane’s trust in us.

Brian rakes a hand through his hair, looking utterly devastated. “I never meant for this to happen. I never wanted to hurt Diane.”

“I know,” I whisper. And I do. As misguided as starting a relationship behind Diane’s back was, Brian’s love for his daughter has always come first, as it should.

He turns to me, his eyes bleak. “She’ll never forgive me for this. I’ve lost her, Tanya, and it’s all my fault.”

My heart aches at the anguish in his voice. I move to him and wrap my arms around his waist, pressing my face into his chest. “It’s not all your fault,” I murmur. “I’m just as much to blame here. We were both selfish and careless, and we should have been honest with Diane from the start.”
