Page 15 of Kingston's Rival

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He could only imagine how much more erotic that closeness would feel if they were lying horizontal together.

For a few too-fleeting moments, Persephone returned the kiss, her tongue tangling with his, but then he felt her stiffen, and the hands resting on his shoulders began to push him away rather than pull him closer.

Casper had never forced his kisses on anyone, and he wasn’t about to start with the utterly delectable Persephone. There was no rush. They had time.

He raised his head to break the kiss, his arms falling from about her waist as he stepped back to eye her teasingly. “I’ll need a little more time, and privacy, to offer you more proof. But there’s no rush. I’m happy to wait to convince you further.”

Casper might sound dismissive, but inwardly he was a seething mass of emotions.

Because kissing Persephone had only deepened the gut-deep feeling he had that this woman might be his very own Waterloo.

* * *

There’s no rush, and he’s happy to wait to convince me further?

Persy didn’t know whether to laugh at Casper’s arrogance or feel furious for the same reason.

In the end, she chose to be amused. She’d never been a bad loser, and there was no denying that she had been so surprised at the suddenness of Casper kissing her that she’d responded instinctively.

She now shot a glance toward the SUV parked behind theirs.

Even with the slightly tinted windows, she could see Jeff’s mouth was open as he stared out the window at the two of them.

Great, she was the lead on Casper Kingston’s protection detail, and one of her team had just seen the man they were protecting kiss her until her head spun. So much for maintaining authority!

Her eyes narrowed. “Feeling better?” she derided.

Casper eyed her mockingly. “No marks out of ten this time?”

She huffed down her nose. “It’s time we were moving. You’re too much of a target standing out here.”

He scowled. “There’s hardly going to be a drive-by shooting.”

“We don’t know that.”

He snorted. “I really think you and my brothers are taking this whole situation far too seriously.”

“Are we?” Her brows rose. “Now that I’ve seen the crash site and how close you came to dying, I think someone should have been taking this more seriously long before this was allowed to happen. But that’s on you, because you weren’t honest with your family from the onset.”

“You’re really starting to irritate me now.” He turned abruptly on his heel to march back to the SUV before climbing inside and closing the door loudly behind him. He glared out the front window rather than look at her.

Instead of going straight to the driver’s side and getting in the vehicle, Persy walked over to speak to Jeff, a dark-haired and good-looking man aged in his early thirties.

He lowered the window. “All okay, boss?”

Her mouth twisted into a rueful smile. “Is there any point in asking you to forget what you just saw?”

A grin lit up his handsome face. “Sorry, but I have perfect twenty-twenty vision and no memory loss.”

“Any chance you’re going to keep what just happened to yourself?”

He considered the question for two heartbeats before answering. “Not really, no.” He glanced toward the other SUV. “I’ve worked at Kingston Security for over five years now, and I’ve never known Casper to muddy the waters before with an employee.”

In the military, they had referred to it as “don’t shit where you eat.”

Persy sighed. “He’s very angry right now.”

“That was an angry kiss?”
