Page 26 of The Cat's Mausy

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Take You Apart

The only time Felinus took his eyes off of Issac for the rest of the night was the few minutes he took to pull Snake away to whisper to him about the revenge porn of Issac that was still floating around. Predictably, Snake was just as angry about this information as Felinus had been.

“I’ll find it,” he promised. “Do you want to know who is in it with him?”

Felinus glanced towards the main room as Bat laughed loudly at something, probably his own joke, and thought about how Issac talked about what had happened. “Not right away,” he said finally. “I don’t have time to murder five or more people for things that happened five years ago. I do want whoever constantly shares it every year to suffer though. Be as creative as you want.”

“Oh, I have some things in mind,” Snake said, a glint in his eyes. “Is he alright?”

“He’s stronger than he looks,” Felinus said. “We just need to get his body to reflect it.”

Issac destroyed one of the orders of dumplings on his own and had gotten a second helping of beef and broccoli from the corner of Felinus’s long dining table. He didn’t seem interested in joining the conversations around him, his eyes staying down towards his food unless spoken to or occasionally glancing towards the windows. Except, Felinus noted, whenever Tiger spoke. Any time the big German man said anything there was a small twitch in his direction and Felinus noticed Issac fully looking around whenever German was actually used. Felinus hadn’t forgotten the shout he and Brutus had heard that morning or the word Issac had used on the phone that felt like a swear word. He thought he knew all of the German swear words since Tiger swore worse than a sailor but he didn’t recall “mist” ever leaving the younger man’s lips. He made a note to ask Tiger his thoughts later when Issac wasn’t around.

Felinus left the others to clean up when Issac set his plate down and showed him the room he had prepared to act as Issac’s office. It had been a large storage closet but he hadn’t used it properly, mostly allowing boxes of decorations to collect dust until he was bullied into putting them up. Said boxes now lived in Brutus’s closet, where Felinus thought they should have been this entire time.

“You should have everything you need.” Felinus set Issac’s backpack next to the desk and dropped back onto the futon couch on the other side. “But if you think of anything else, just say so.”

Issac’s eyes flicked around the room then up at the small surveillance camera in the back right corner of the ceiling. “Was the mini fridge necessary,” he asked, sitting in the rolling desk chair.

“Yes,” he said, smiling. “It’s just drinks for now. You should have one every hour.”

His eyes rolled at Felinus before he turned his chair around to face the desk and reached into his backpack. “Are you going to just stay there?”

“Yes,” Felinus repeated, laying back on the couch and watching Issac’s head twitch in his direction. Issac wasn’t the only one who could be stubborn for the sake of being stubborn.

And Felinus was stubborn.

He was going to stay on the couch, working from his phone while he watched Issac copy notes from one notebook into another with a variety of colored pens. Every hour, he got up and pulled one of the sugary drinks out of the fridge to put at Issac’s elbow. He learned quickly that if said drink was already open, Issac would drink it without looking up.

His men left about an hour in with shouts from the elevator. Brutus let him know by text that he was taking Snake home then going to bed and would be back up in the morning.

Just before midnight, Issac started yawning- something he did his best to hide, but after the fourth one, Felinus slowly pulled his chair away from the desk.

“You need to go to bed, baby boy,” he murmured when Issac started to protest, turning the chair around to face him. “Your notes won’t do you any good if you are looking at them cross-eyed.”

“I am not cross-eyed,” Issac said, grimacing up at him.

“Not yet,” Felinus said, lowering his face to Issac’s and hovering just above his lips. “But why push it to that point? Come to bed.”

There was a soft, shuddering breath and he sensed the distance close a bit more on Issac’s side, still a hair short of contact. “Whose bed?”

A smile curled Felinus’s lips and he lifted Issac out of the chair and into his arms, carrying him like he had wanted back at the college. He felt the gasp of surprise as Issac wrapped his arms and legs around him to hold on. It wasn’t clear who finally closed the gap, as he shifted Issac into position. It didn’t matter really; once they started, they didn’t stop.

Felinus pressed Issac against the wall, feeling him immediately take advantage of the surface to grind their hips together as he moaned desperately into the kiss. “God, baby boy,” he gasped as they broke away for air and immediately sank his teeth into the curve of Issac’s neck.

The whimper was like music to Felinus as short nails scratched at his back. “Please,” he pleaded.

Felinus pulled them off the wall long enough to get them through the door to Issac’s room and onto the bed. Clothes practically tore away as they shifted towards the middle of the massive king-sized mattress. Felinus rolled them both over to the other side, settling on his back with Issac straddling him on top as he reached back for the drawer and pulled out a bottle.

“How long has that been in there,” Issac gasped, leaning forward to kiss Felinus again. He let out a squeaky moan as the cold lube slipped down his crack, Felinus’s fingers joining them to press in.

“I like being prepared,” he breathed, smiling as Issac squirmed on top of him with just one probing finger. He’d had many partners over the years and Brutus hadn’t been wrong to say Felinus preferred brats, but no one had ever come close to the pleasure he felt watching Issac’s defenses fall away with each stroke of his fingers. A second finger joined the first and he felt it getting sucked in as Issac mewled.

“Stop teasing me, Felinus,” he panted

“Never, baby boy,” he purred, curling his fingers. He smiled as Issac jerked in surprise and let out another moan of pleasure. “I’m going to slowly take you apart,” he whispered, running his other fingers up Issac’s chest, already feeling a difference after a day of proper eating. “Then I’m going to slowly piece you back together.” He twisted his fingers and the remark he could see forming on Issac’s lips faltered into a whimper. “And you are going to love every second of it.”

* * *
