Page 63 of The Cat's Mausy

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“There is an issue with hospital policy and lack of paperwork showing anyone as next of kin,” Brutus told Nikola when Felinus didn’t continue, reaching over to remove the plastic lid from Felinus’s cup. “We have a note to get that corrected, but right now, we can only wait.”

“Hm,” Nikola said, studying Felinus. “With a power of attorney or marriage?”

Felinus’s head jerked up and saw the briefest twitch of a smile on the usually humorless man’s lips.

“So you do live,” he said mildly. “Esposito added you to a chat to update all three of them on any news but there was no acknowledgment.”

“Snake has my phone,” Felinus told him, flicking his hand where Snake was sitting with his laptop in the actual corner, several cell phones sitting next to him plugged into a small black box.

Nikola looked at the Korean-Italian then to the black German sitting in the other corner, his arms folded over his chest with his eyes closed. Fritz and Bat were on either side of him, their heads resting against his broad shoulders, apparently asleep until one of Nikola’s men nudged Bat’s shin with a toe, well out of swinging distance. “You have a gift for finding truly interesting strays, Gatto,” he said, looking back down at Felinus again. “The bastard son of the Family turned computer genius, the child-assassin, and now the long lost son of the German Reaper.”

“I’m sorry, did he say child-assassin,” Adrian said, leaning forward and looking at the corner with the three men.

“Not your business,” Brutus growled at him as Felinus glared up at Nikola.

“Scuse, Gatto,” Nikola said raising a hand. “With all that has happened… I will do better to watch my tongue in mixed company.”

“Do that,” Felinus said shortly.

Nikola’s lips thinned but he let it pass. “In any case, my point-”

“FELINUS,” Issac’s voice cried from somewhere deeper past the nurse’s station and Nikola barely moved out of the way in time as Felinus bolted forward.

* * *

Issac winced as he became aware of a bright light over him through his eyelids. It hurt his head but he couldn’t feel it hurt. He just knew it hurt. There was a beeping- multiple beeping- most of which were steady but one was increasing. He tried to lift his arm to block the light, starting to ask Felinus for curtains for the wall of windows. Something tugged at his arm, preventing him from lifting it. The beeping increased as he reached for his arm to look for what was restraining him and felt another tugging in his other arm. He couldn’t move freely. It hurt to breathe as he struggled to find and pull at the tubing holding his arm back.

“Sir,” a woman’s voice said over him. “Sir, you need to leave that in.”

Someone was grabbing at his fingers, pulling at him, trying to pin him down and he struggled, using his legs to try to get leverage to throw them off.

“I need some help in here,” the woman screamed. “Sir, calm down.”

There were running steps and there were more hands.

“Get off of me,” Issac choked, kicking out and feeling someone grab his ankles.

“Get the lorazepam into the IV,” a second woman ordered. “Hurry before he tears open the stitches.”

“Get off,” Issac repeated. “Felinus!” He was remembering things now. Felinus had gotten him away from the Clovers. Where was he? “FELINUS,” he shouted, desperate as the hands held down his arms and legs. Why wasn’t he there?

“Got it,” someone, a man, said near his head. “He should be feeling it here in a moment.”

A heaviness fell over Issac and he sobbed as the hopelessness settled in his chest.

“Shhh. It’s okay, Issac,” the first woman’s voice said, rubbing at his arm.

“I need some restraints in-” one of the men started to shout then, “Sir, you need to go back into the waiting room.”

“Get out of my way,” Felinus snarled.

“Felinus,” Issac pleaded, turning towards the voice and trying to open his eyes. He couldn’t see. Everything was so blurry and his eyelids were so heavy.

“I’m coming, baby boy,” Felinus’s voice was so far away. “Just a second.”

Issac tried to wait but felt like he was being pulled, persistently but gently, into blackness.
