Page 110 of The Echo of Regret

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The infinity symbol is a representation of our love, which has made it through everything and come out stronger and deeper on the other side.

Gabi heads back up to her seat, and I wave at everyone again before going back into the dugout, unable to hide my smile. I feel more at peace than I ever realized I could be. I never knew I could feel a love like this, never knew something we felt when we were so young could grow roots this deep.

When I used to imagine my future, the only thing I could see was baseball, that dream of making it to the big time. Nothing could have prepared me for the shift I’d feel once I realized there is so much more to life than just that.

Sure, having that dream is important. It gives a sense of purpose and drive, a challenge. But when I think about what makes me happy, what brings me joy, what fills my life…it’s not hitting a ball or running the bases or hearing the roar of the crowd.

It’s being with the woman I love. It’s holding her tight, hearing her laugh, watching her smile.

As I step out onto the field a while later, walking toward the plate for my first major league at-bat, I turn, gazing into the crowd. When I find Gabi, I kiss my wrist then hold it up over my head, wanting to show her, wanting to show everyone…

…this moment might be amazing, but when I think about my dreams for the future, what I think about is her.
