Page 16 of My True North

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“I do. Most celebrities have full-time bodyguards, and I’m comfortable with you. Do you want to stay on the job?” she asked. “Besides, it’ll take me a while to trust the situation. Given the kind of people David is involved with, I’m afraid he might have someone else try to take some kind of revenge against me.”

“I’d be happy to remain on the job, Theresa. I’ll let my boss know.” John stepped back outside to make the call.

Theresa hurried through lunch and helped get Jeremy and Charlie started on an art project with Elli in their playroom. Finally, she fixed herself an iced tea and took a seat on the chaise lounge on her patio. One of these days she’d start a garden out here with some kind of flowering vines and a pergola. That plan was for another day. Right now, she wanted to thank Caleb for urging her to see a therapist. She entered his number into her phone.

“Hi, Theresa. How are you this fine Wednesday morning?”

“All the mornings in Santa Barbara, California are fine as far as I’m concerned.” She grinned.

“I suppose they are. So, the day is fine, but how are you?”

“I want to tell you something, Caleb.”

“Okay, go ahead.”

“I went to my very first therapy session this morning.” This friendship thing had taken root, and having Caleb to talk to did her a world of good. She relaxed against the cushioned back of the chaise lounge.

“Good for you. How did it go?”

“Really well, and I wanted to thank you for suggesting I take that step.” She gazed at the tree fort David had built for Charlie and Jeremy. “Also, David is back behind bars and won’t be able to get out on bail this time. It sounds like he’s facing more charges that have nothing to do with me.”

She should feel bad for David, but the relief overpowered any kind of empathy she could muster. “I don’t have to look over my shoulder for him every time I go somewhere now, and I can’t even tell you how great that feels.”

“Sounds like you have a lot to talk about. Are you free tonight? We can go out for dinner and take a stroll by the ocean afterwards. You can give me all the details then.”

Her breath caught, and a sliver of guilt wedged its way into her awareness. Dammit, there was no reason why she couldn’t get together with her friend. “I am free, and you know what? If I’m careful, I can go places without a bodyguard hovering beside me.” She’d also have a better time knowing John would still be looking out for her boys. “I’d love to have dinner with you, and a stroll on a beach would be nice.”

Caleb’s chuckle filled her ear and tickled her heart. A couple of friends going out for a glass of wine or two, a nice dinner and time together to talk—she couldn’t wait. “How about I come your way for a change?”

“I’d like that.”

“Perfect. What time would be good for you?” This was all so new to her, her pulse thrummed with anticipation. Caleb was not an escape route. She didn’t need him for anything. She just enjoyed his company. What a novel concept.

“How about six?” he asked.

That will work. Text me your address, and I’ll see you then.”

“Will do. See you later,” he said, and they ended the call.

His text followed immediately. She entered his address into his contact information on her phone as she headed inside for her laptop. She brought it back outside and settled on the chaise again. The well of creativity must be refilling because she had a powerful urge to write. Maybe an autobiographical album would evolve from this journey toward wholeness and healing after all.

She checked her phone for the time. Sully’s trainer—an older woman with lots of experience—would arrive in an hour to begin working with their puppy and teaching them how to continue to train Sully themselves. She had an hour to relax, and she planned to take full advantage.

Chapter Five

After returning home after his daily jog, Caleb showered and shaved. Now he stood in front of his bathroom mirror, contemplating whether or not to slap on some of his favorite cologne. Would Theresa take his smelling good as a sign that he believed they were on an actual date? Did he want to put on cologne so she’d find him more attractive? Best not tip that scale. Besides, an expensive scent would not improve his average looks.

Grunting at his own ridiculousness, he took his hand off the bottle of cologne and moved on to the next conundrum. What to wear that wouldn’t scream I want to look my best to impress you.

He had plenty of friends. A majority of them were male. Those who were female were mostly related to him or they were the wives of friends. Of course, some of them were musicians he’d worked with over the years. He counted the elderly widow next door as his friend. He’d never considered wearing cologne when he and Dottie got together.

With Theresa he’d ventured into new territory, and he really didn’t want to screw it up. So, he shouldn’t send any mixed signals. For several reasons—like the fact that she was his boss—their relationship could never be anything more than platonic. Platonic he could deal with. He and his battered heart could not and would not venture into deeper waters. His life vest had way too many holes in it to keep him afloat.

“Jeans and a polo shirt.” He moved on to his bedroom and dressed.

Great. Now that he was ready, he had time on his hands, which did not help. Time only led to increased apprehension, anticipation … and damn. Why the hell was he so nervous? He hadn’t been nervous at all when he and Theresa had worked on their song. Ah, but that was work. This was social.

Caleb strode to his family room. His studio held his electronic keyboard, recording equipment, and a desktop computer. His family room held his treasure, an old Faust Harrison upright piano that had been completely refurbished … by him. It had belonged to his grandparents, and his grandfather had been his first piano teacher. He had his grandfather to thank for his love of music and a fulfilling career.
