Page 60 of My True North

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“A little, but you guys always cheer me up,” she told him as she put her arms around her youngest and kissed the top of his head. She included Caleb in that statement, and she hoped he understood.

She glanced at him, and their eyes met. His gaze held tenderness and something more, something profound. Her heart raced, and she ached with wanting him.

“It’s time to put the money in the chest.” Charlie slid off the couch. “Then we’re taking Sully to the beach.”

“Where is Sully?” Caleb asked.

“He’s still outside doing his shift as guard dog,” John answered from the kitchen. “That or he’s digging holes and burying his toys.”

“I’m betting he’s burying his toys.” Theresa went to the fridge for water bottles. “Elli has plans for the evening, so you can ride with us, John.”

He frowned. “I’m not sure I’ll fit between the boys.”

“Caleb can drive my SUV, and I’ll sit in back with my pirate crew,” she said as she stashed water bottles into a canvas grocery sack. “Bring in the beast, you two buccaneers, and let us be off to uncover more treasure by the sea.”

Eyes bright with excitement and still wearing their pirate gear, Jeremy and Charlie hurried to bring Sully inside. Then they all headed for her SUV for the drive to the beach. Smiling, she watched as Caleb fastened Jeremy into his car seat. He was so good with her boys, and that sent a thrill to her heart.

Was he seeing someone? She’d asked, and he hadn’t answered. She’d wait until Friday and ask again. She and Caleb were meeting with Mary McCormick to go over the partnership contract for their new album. Jeffery would be driving to rehearsal on his own, so she’d have Caleb all to herself.

Chapter Eighteen

“Thanks for dinner, Mary,” Theresa said as she, Caleb, and their manager rose from the table and set out for the restaurant’s exit. “I’m glad all the legal stuff regarding our collaboration is out of the way.”

“Yes, thank you for everything,” Caleb added.

“You’re entirely welcome. You’re two of my favorite clients, you know.”

Mary, a tiny redheaded dynamo in her early forties, had a wicked-sharp mind and the wit to go with it. Theresa thanked her lucky stars to be represented by her. She laughed. “I’m sure you say that to all your clients.”

“Honestly, I don’t. A lot of successful creative types have huge egos, and they’re difficult to work with.” Mary smiled. “Anyway, I’m really excited about the new album you’re putting together. That first song is sure to be a chart-topper. When are you recording the second demo? I can’t wait to hear the new song.”

“It’s up to Theresa,” he said, nodding in her direction.

Her heart flipped at the thought of being alone with him at his house. Maybe she could take the opportunity to tell him she wanted to erase the line between them. “How about Monday morning?” She sent him a questioning look.

“That would work,” he said as they stopped on the sidewalk outside the restaurant. “Then we can have lunch and drive separately to your place. I don’t want to miss opening another card with your boys now that I have my pirate shirt and hat.” He aimed a heart-melting grin her way. “Arrr.”

“What’s this now?” Mary’s eyes widened in question.

She told Mary the gist of what was going on. Once again, Theresa was struck by how much she’d changed since the afternoon Caleb had shown up at her house to talk her out of quitting. For one thing, she smiled more now than she had in her entire life. She stood straighter, and her confidence in herself had grown by leaps and bounds.

The best part was, Caleb stood at the center of all her positive changes. The ache of wanting to be closer to him had become a constant—like white noise, always there. She’d tried ignoring and mislabeling her feelings for him, but it hadn’t worked. Now it was time to face the music.

Mary said her goodbyes and headed back to her office, and Theresa placed her hand on her midriff. “I’m so full. That was an excellent meal.”

“It was.” Caleb handed the numbered tag to the valet parking attendant.

A few minutes later, his car pulled up in front of them, and Caleb opened the passenger side door for her. He tipped the attendant and climbed behind the wheel. “This has been a productive day,” he said. “Rehearsal went well, and we have the partnership agreement for our songs settled. The only fly in the soup is the traffic in L.A.” He nosed his car into the stop-and-go line of traffic and navigated toward the freeway exit.

“I agree with all of the above. Thanks for driving.” Theresa stared out the windshield and gathered her courage. “Caleb, do you mind if I ask you a personal question?”

“Not at all.”

“Have you …?”

She was going to ask if he’d met someone, but then her phone began to ring and vibrate. She pulled it out of her purse. “Oh my God, it’s my brother.” Adrenaline hit her bloodstream as she tapped accept. “Jacob?”

“Hey, Theresa, I … uhm.” He cleared his throat. “I called to thank you for sending the cards and the letter. They couldn’t have come at a better time.” His voice came out hoarse. “Five months ago, Carol issued an ultimatum. Either we start couples’ counseling, or she’d leave me.”
