Page 62 of My True North

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“I don’t think I mentioned that I’d sent each of my brothers their cards, and I included a long letter telling them the truth about what happened all those years ago,” she said

“You’re amazing, Theresa. Sounds like at least one brother is taking the news well.”

“One out of two. I’ll take it.” She nodded, once again grateful for Caleb’s strength and support. “Jacob is going through some good changes, and I couldn’t be happier.” She drew in a shaky breath and let it out slowly. “I didn’t expect to hear from either of my brothers, and his call means a lot to me. After Dad kicked my mother out, it’s like his sole mission in life was to destroy the bond the three of us had with each other, like he somehow saw that bond as a threat. Anything resembling happiness or affection between us, that man squelched with an iron fist. He taught my brothers to treat me like the family drudge.”

Caleb turned onto the freeway, and Theresa fished out the small packet of tissues from her purse. “This has been quite a summer,” she said as she wiped her eyes and nose. She leaned her head back and closed her eyes. “Emotional stuff is exhausting. Let’s change the subject,” she said. “So, Monday morning we’ll record song number two.”

“That’s the plan.”

Theresa opened her eyes and turned to face him, unable to stifle her grin. “You’re pretty amazing, too, Caleb.”

“I’m glad you think so.” His gaze met hers for an instant. “I’ve been working on a song myself. I’d like to include it on our album if it’s okay with you,” he said, sounding a little shy.

“Oh? When will you share it with me?”

“Soon.” He shifted his weight. “So, you said you wanted to ask me a personal question. What was it?”

Heat rose to her cheeks, and once again she mustered her courage. “Yes. Did you go on a date last Saturday night? I don’t want to get in the way of anything … I mean—”

“I had dinner with Dottie Mordan, my neighbor. She did say once that if she were forty years younger, she’d be after me.” He waggled his eyebrows at her.

Relief surged through her, and she laughed. “She’s a smart woman, and it’s a good thing she isn’t forty years younger.”

Caleb’s brow rose, and he studied her for a moment, his gaze intense. “Why is that?”

“Because I might be jealous otherwise,” she teased.

His car gave the lane departure warning, and his attention shot back to driving.

Excitement and trepidation tumbled through Theresa all at once. It wasn’t like she’d told him she loved him. She’d flirted, hinting at the possibility of more than friendship with him, and that was okay because she trusted Caleb.

* * *

Damn. He needed to keep his eyes on the road and get them back to Ventura in one piece. Still, Caleb’s mind spun. Had she been teasing when she said she’d be jealous, or was Theresa taking a risk and being honest?

One way to find out. Ask her to come in when you get to your place, the rascal on his left shoulder whispered. A glass of wine, a few kisses, and if she’s agreeable … move things along as nature intended.

Right, and then she’ll panic and bolt again, his sensible side weighed in.

Caleb grunted.

“What are you grunting about?”

“Oh, nothing. Just thinking about everything I need to get done. Rehearsals kick up to three days next week, and I need to get the scores for the new song done.”

“I can help with that, Cal.”


“This summer has gone by so fast,” Theresa murmured.

“It has.”

“We’ll be on tour soon, and for the first time, I’m looking forward to being on the road and hanging out with the crew. Charlie and Jeremy are excited too.”

For the rest of the drive to Caleb’s house, they chatted about the tour and their rehearsal schedule at each venue. Caleb pulled into his driveway and parked next to her SUV.

His pulse pounding, he turned to face her. “Would you like to come in for a cup of coffee before you head home?”
