Page 64 of My True North

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“Bottled is fine, thanks.”

Caleb handed her a bottled water and fixed himself a cup of coffee. “Shall we get started?” He gestured toward the upright piano in his family room. “Like we did with the first song, we’ll rehearse before recording.”

At the mention of their first recording session, a slew of erotic memories of making love with him played through her mind, and she went a little breathless. He’d been so tender, reverent. She wanted more. “I was hoping we could talk first.” Theresa leaned against the kitchen counter for support. Never in her life had she been this brave or this determined to make a grab for the brass ring of relationships, the once in a lifetime kind worth having.

One side of Caleb’s mouth quirked up in an endearing lopsided half smile. “About the going crazy thing?” he asked.

Though he smiled, she glimpsed the shadow of vulnerability in his eyes She nodded. “About that.”

He waved a hand toward the couch. “Okay. Maybe we should sit down for this.” Caleb plowed his fingers through his hair, and his Adam’s apple bobbed a few times. “Yeah, we should definitely sit.”

Somehow, knowing she wasn’t the only one whose nerves were on edge shored up her fortitude. “Good idea.”

“After you,” he said.

Theresa moved to the couch and took a seat. She frowned when Caleb remained where he was. “Aren’t you going to join me?”

“Of course.” He crossed the room and sat beside her. “Theresa, I—”

“Wait.” She placed her hand on his forearm. “It has taken a lot for me to get to this point. If you don’t mind, I’d like to have my say first.” She searched his gaze for any hint of impending … criticism? Disdain? Caleb wasn’t like that, and she didn’t want the past to cloud her future. She could and would trust him. “Are you okay with that?”

“Sure.” He slumped against the couch and leaned his head back. Caleb closed his eyes as if bracing himself. “Go ahead.”

Theresa cleared her throat. “Would you agree that there is a mutual attraction between us?” she began.

He grunt-laughed. “Yes, I would agree. In fact, I’d have to say the term mutual attraction is a gross understatement.” He opened one eye and fixed it on her. “On my part anyway.”

“Oh.” Her brow rose. “Well … would you also agree that we’ve become close during these past few months?”

“Definitely.” Both eyes opened this time, and his expression filled with … yearning? Caleb reached for her hand and turned to face her. “Theresa, what are you trying to say?”

She drew in a long breath and let it out slowly. “I’m trying to say that I’d like to erase the line I drew between us. I want to explore these feelings and see where they might lead.” Her face heated as she studied him, looking for any hint of what might be going through his mind. “What do you think?”

“I think that’s an excellent idea.” He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and brushed his knuckles down her cheek. “How would you like to go about this line-erasing business? I want you to feel comfortable. It’s important to me that you feel safe, Theresa.”

His brief touch and his words set off an explosion of pleasurable tingles. “I want that for you as well.” Theresa bit her lip. “For starters, I don’t think I can concentrate on work unless some of this tension between us is dealt with.” She waved her hand between them.

“Dealt with?” Caleb’s brow creased as he studied her. “You feel tense around me?”

“Yes, definitely.” She nodded again. “The hot, spine-tingling, I-want-you kind of tension.”

“I see.” His intense gaze roamed over her face, coming to rest on her mouth. “I’m open to suggestions, and I’ll do whatever it takes to prevent you from panicking. Promise me you’ll tell me if your mind begins to spiral.”

Her heart melted. Caleb McGee was the most wonderful, considerate, caring man, and the hungry look in his eyes nearly melted her panties. “I promise.” Theresa rose from the couch and held out her hand.

Caleb stood and twined his fingers with hers. He leaned close and nipped her earlobe. “Be gentle with me,” he teased.

She laughed as she led him down the hallway toward his bedroom. “Don’t count on that, Caleb. I have lots and lots of pent-up tension going on where you’re concerned. I might have to rip off your clothes,” she teased back.

He hauled her into his arms and pressed her against the wall. “Sounds like fun.”

Theresa threw her arms around his neck and kissed him. Their lips and tongues collided and an inferno of need broke free of her control. Pressed against him she could feel his heart pounding as hard as hers. Caleb drew his head back and stared deeply into her eyes. The intimacy and the deep connection flowing between them nearly overwhelmed her.

“Theresa, are you sure? Because if you’re not….” His marvelous hands found the hem of her shirt and slid beneath the fabric to caress the bare skin at her waist. “Tell me now.”

An answering throb at her core weakened her knees. She cradled his beloved face between her palms and brushed her thumbs over his cheeks. “I’ve never been this certain of anything in my entire life,” she whispered, and it was the truth. Her entire life she’d been swept along in a current she’d had no control over. Today, she’d placed her hand firmly on the rudder, determined once and for all to be the captain of her ship.
