Page 70 of My True North

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Reaching for his beer, Caleb settled back in his chair and finally felt more grounded. “So, Theresa and I went to Washington to visit her mother.”

“That’s a big deal because …? Carlos’ brow furrowed.

“She hadn’t seen or heard from her mother since she was six years old. It was a very big deal.” He went on to describe the events leading up to their visit and how it seemed to be a turning point in his relationship with Theresa.

“Things are so different between us now than they were the day I went to her house for the first time. I wanted to talk her out of quitting, and that’s all. Now we’re together and collaborating on a new album. I love seeing her so happy and confident. She shines like the star she is.” Yep, and she was his North Star, the beacon he’d use from now on to guide himself home.

Chapter Twenty-One

Theresa sat on the edge of Charlie’s bed for the final part of their bedtime routine. They’d both had their baths. Teeth had been brushed, and a chapter in their current story had been read. Now she’d brave the awkward conversation.

“There’s something I’d like to discuss with you two.” She glanced at Jeremy, and then at Charlie. “You like Caleb, right?”

“Yeah, he’s nice,” Jeremy said. “He’s fun too.”

“We like him a lot, Mom.” Charlie nodded.

“I’m glad, because he and I are … growing closer, and that means he’s going to be around more often.”

Jeremy yawned and put his arm around Sully. “Okay.”

“Would you be comfortable with him spending the night here now and then?” she asked, having no idea how they’d react.

“Told you.” Charlie aimed a look of superiority Jeremy’s way.

Theresa frowned at her oldest. “What did you tell him, Charlie?”

“Charlie says Caleb is in love with you?” Jeremy put a hand over his mouth and giggled.

“Really.” Theresa arched a brow at Charlie. “What makes you think so, Mr. Smarty Pants?”

“Caleb stares at you a lot, and he touches you, like when he puts his hand on your back, brushes the hair off your face, and he even holds your hand when we’re walking on the beach.” Charlie shrugged a shoulder, a smug look still suffusing his features. “Some things a guy just knows, Mom.”

“I see. How old are you again? Twenty-five?” She tickled his ribs, grinning at his little-boy laughter. Charlie had always been perceptive beyond his years, but his observations took her by surprise. How had she been unaware that her son watched her so closely when they were with Caleb? She pulled up his covers and kissed his forehead. “So, are you comfortable with his spending the night here now and then?”

“Sure.” Charlie smiled.

“I love you two like crazy. Did you know that?” Their bedtime ritual counted for alone time with her boys, and she’d be sure to maintain their routine no matter what.

“Yeah. We love you too, Mommy.” Jeremy’s eyes were already closing.

“Good.” She got up from Charlie’s bed and leaned over to kiss her youngest. “Sleep tight,” she said as she turned off the lamp and left them to their dreams. Caleb would join her tomorrow to work on their next song. She couldn’t wait to tell him her boys had given him their permission for sleepovers. Even the thought of having Caleb spend the night with her sent a lovely tingle down her spine.

No doubt Elli was in her room studying, and John had set the alarm and headed home. Other than the sound of Sully gnawing on a bone, quiet settled over her home just as contentment had settled in her heart. She grabbed one of the books about divorce and dating, and headed for the family room.

Theresa stared at the words in the book, but she wasn’t really reading. Mostly, she was smiling and thinking. For the first time in her life, she was truly happy, and she intended to hold onto the feeling with every fiber of her being.

* * *

Theresa hummed as she started a fresh pot of coffee brewing. She and Caleb would have the place to themselves to work on song number three for their album. Sully whined by the patio door, and she let him out just as her phone began to ring. She hurried to pick it up from the counter. Her stomach dropped as she saw her oldest brother’s name on her caller ID. She hit accept. “Andrew?”

“Yeah. Listen. Dad is real sick, Theresa. Come home.”

No greeting, no how are you and the kids, just an order. “Why? Is he asking for me?” A stretch of silence provided the answer. Damn. She hadn’t expected her father’s rejection to hurt as much as it did. “So … that’s a no. I’ll pass, but thanks for letting me know.”

“He’s your father,” Drew reminded her in a glacial tone.

“I know who he is, Drew, and the fact that you’re the one asking me to come home pretty much says it all. Dad made my life a living hell, yours too. Honestly, I don’t understand your loyalty to him.”
