Page 69 of My True North

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“You know what I mean.” He shrugged a shoulder.

“I do.” She glanced at him before pulling into traffic. “You’re one of those complex onion types, aren’t you? All kinds of layers going on.”

“Yep. Shrek has nothing on me.”

Theresa huffed out a laugh. “You’ve watched Shrek?”

“I’ve been nearby while your boys watched that movie.” He grinned. “More than once.”

“I’ve seen the first one at least a hundred times myself,” Theresa said. “John, is being our bodyguard boring for you? Would you like to move on to something more challenging?”

“Nope.” He smiled at her. “Working for you has been great. You have no idea what kind of jerks I’ve worked for in the past. You need to know though … I’ve recently applied to law school at a few universities. If I get accepted, I’ll have to quit full-time guard service. That wouldn’t happen until next fall though.” He gazed out the passenger side window. “If I get accepted.”

“That’s wonderful. I hope you get into your top pick, and in the meantime, I want you to come on tour with us.”

“Great.” He settled back in his seat. “It’s lunchtime. You gonna stop for takeout?”

“Sure. Fish and chips sound good?”

“It does.”

After they’d picked up lunch, Theresa spent the rest of the drive home going over what John had revealed about her children and her growing relationship with Caleb. Dr. Grayson had mentioned David probably knew she and Caleb were involved. After the way he’d threatened her during their divorce, she worried about how he might react.

Regardless, their marriage was over, and their only remaining connection was their children. She knew without a doubt David loved his sons. If he got his act together and remained sober and sane, she’d be willing to renegotiate the custody agreement with him. David would have to prove himself first though.

For her part, she just needed to keep her boundaries firm where her ex was concerned. She was in the driver’s seat now, and he’d have to adjust. Her commitment to her sons’ welfare hadn’t wavered and never would. David would have to meet her standards, or she wouldn’t budge on the conditions already set for his visits with their boys.

* * *

“Thanks for agreeing to meet with me this evening,” Caleb said as he took his place with his support group at the large round table in the private party room he’d reserved. For once, he’d been the last to arrive. “I have news.”

“Judging by that goofy smile you’re wearing, we’re guessing the news has something to do with Theresa,” Carlos teased, using the Spanish pronunciation of Theresa’s name.

“Are we right?” Saskia asked, waggling her eyebrows. “Are you two an item like all the tabloids say?”

“You read those rags, Saskia?” Margaret’s brow rose as she turned to study their friend.

“Only when I’m waiting in line for a cashier at the grocery store.” Saskia shrugged. “I hate the self-checkout stations.”

“Okay, let’s bring it back, guys,” Dillon said. “Tell us what’s going on, Caleb.”

He blew out a breath. “Theresa wants to explore the mutual attraction between us to see where it might lead.” He leaned forward in his chair and propped his forearms on the table. “Thing is, I’m floating about a foot off the ground over this, but at the same time I’m terrified.”

He looked around the table at the people he’d come to trust as much as he did his own family. “I need to know if the rest of you felt like I do right now when you started your serious relationships. Is this elation-slash-terror thing normal? I never experienced a moment of doubt or fear with Amy.” His throat tightened. “Fact is, losing her and my daughter has changed me in ways I didn’t realize until now.”

“I know exactly what you mean because that’s how I felt when things got serious between me and William,” Margaret said. “Things will settle down, Cal.”

“Me too,” Dillon admitted. “Panic that I might go through another loss like I did with my first wife was a constant. Not just loss due to illness, but the idea of ending up alone again kind of … loomed large.” Dillon crossed his arms over his chest. “Thank God Penny was so patient and willing to talk things through with me.”

“Loss is a part of life, bro.” Carlos arched a brow at him. “Don’t let fear get in the way. Carpe diem and all that, yeah?”

Caleb flashed him a wry look. “I guess.”

Saskia, who sat on his other side, patted his arm. “Of course you’ve changed, Cal. Because of our losses, we all have. The difference between now and the past is that we’ve learned how to reach out for support when we need it. We also know how to grieve and how to take care of ourselves in the process. Plus, we have each other.”

“You’re right. Thanks. I just needed to hear this, or to be reminded, I suppose.” He looked around the table again, grateful that he had this group to turn to. “Hopefully, Theresa will join us the next time we have one of our annual family inclusive gatherings.”

“Sounds good, hermano. I know I speak for all of us when I say I can’t wait to meet her.” Carlos grinned as a chorus of agreement rose around the table.
