Page 75 of My True North

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David took a step closer to her. “I’ve turned state’s evidence on that charge. The fact that I’m out on supervised release now is being kept confidential for my safety. I’m in the middle of negotiating a plea bargain in that case.”

Damn. “How did you know where to find me?”

“Since you have a tour starting in a few weeks, I knew you’d be in rehearsals. I called Mary McCormick. She doesn’t know about the restraining order. Why is that, Theresa? Do you—”

“Believe me, not telling Mary was an oversight on my part, and it will soon be rectified.”

“Yeah, well, I told her your dad is really bad off and none of us have been able to reach you. She figured you probably had your phone in privacy mode while rehearsing. Mary let me know where you were.”

David studied her. “Andrew called me. He figured, as your husband, I could convince you to go home.” David’s gaze grew intense. “You haven’t told your family we’re divorced?”

“No.” Jake knew, but she hadn’t brought it up the one and only time she’d spoken to Andrew, not that it mattered.

“Why not? Do you regret—”

“Drew lied to you, David. He and I had a conversation on Monday, and I know about my dad. For the record, what goes on between me and my family is no longer your concern. Say whatever it is you need to say. I have somewhere else I need to be.” Anywhere else, actually. Even seeing him brought back all the degradation he’d put her through.

“Right.” He straightened. “Look, I’m serious about getting my shit together. I miss you and our sons like crazy. You’re all I think about, and I want to apologize for everything. I fucked up, and—”

“Apology accepted.” She flapped a hand in a be gone gesture. “So, go. Be a better person somewhere else.” Did he think a simple apology would fix everything? Bile rose up her throat.

“You don’t understand. Please … just listen,” he pleaded.

She would’ve walked away, but his eyes were tearing up, and in all the years she’d known him, she’d never seen him look so desperate. She could give him a few minutes for the sake of his sobriety. “All right. I’m listening.”

“You know that old expression you don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone?” He blew out a breath. “Well, it’s true. I messed everything up, and I’ve lost what was most important to me … my family.”

“Hmph.” She continued to glare.

“There’s not a lot to do in prison but think. I realize now how badly I treated you from the very start, and I’m sorry. No. Sorry doesn’t even begin to describe what I’m feeling. The word isn’t … it’s not big enough.” He plowed his fingers through his hair. “I’m working hard to become a better man, and I’m doing it for you, Charlie, and Jeremy.”

“That’s good to hear, David, but you need to do it for yourself. If you continue working toward recovery, and you prove to me that I can trust you with our sons, I’ll revisit our custody agreement.” She crossed her arms in front of her. “It’s going to take time though.”

His Adam’s apple bobbed, and he ran a hand over his eyes. “That’s great, Theresa. I don’t deserve it, but thank you.” His voice quavered. “What about us?”

“Us?” Her heart skipped a beat. “What do you mean? We’re over.”

“Please, just hear me out. I was a lousy husband, and I promise to do better. I want a second chance, Theresa.”

She squelched all the angry words she wanted to hurl his way. There was no point. “I’ve moved on, David, and so should you.”

“I know, but I’m going to do everything in my power to prove to you that I’ve learned my lesson. I should’ve been your partner in every way from the very beginning of our relationship. I should’ve pitched in with the housework and taking care of the boys. Your load was twice what mine was, and I didn’t hold up my end. I should’ve been supportive in the same way you always were to me and our kids. You’re so talented, smart, and beautiful, and I’m just so damned ordinary. I guess I never believed someone like you could really love me, so I sabotaged—”

“Wait.” She held up a hand. “Are you saying you did your very worst … gave me your worst … to make sure our marriage would be your own personal self-fulfilled prophesy?” She frowned. “That makes no sense, and it’s not a box I’ll ever willingly climb back into again, either. I deserved better and so did our boys.”

“I know.” He swiped a hand over his eyes again. “You’re right. Back then, I … see, I wasn’t aware of why I behaved the way I did. Now I know, and I’m working on my issues. I acted out my own insecurities. I was afraid, so I tried to … to control everything. I figured if I controlled you, you wouldn’t leave me.”

He shrugged, and his eyes filled again. “Theresa, I’m begging you to give me a second chance. If not for me, then for the sake of our children. They deserve to grow up in an intact family. At least tell me you’ll think about it.”

“I don’t trust you, David.” She shook her head. “You humiliated me in front of the entire world with your sleeping around, the drugs, and the partying. I’ll never go through that again. I won’t tolerate the disrespectful way you spoke to me ever again either. What about your awful threats? How can you claim you care about your family after saying such awful, frightening things to me?”

“I don’t blame you for … for not wanting to have anything to do with me. All I’m asking is that you give me the chance to earn back your trust. I’m a different man now. I’m committed to changing my ways. Please, Theresa. I still love you. I’ve always loved you. Just let me prove myself to you. I want to be a better husband and a better father.”

“You still love me?” Her eyes went wide. “It’s news to me that you ever did. The way you’ve always treated me … what you put me through these past two years … it’s never looked or felt like love.”

“That’s going to change. I know better now.” He reached for her hands. “Think of our boys. I know they want me to come home. We’re a family.”

All the shame and the guilt of breaking up their family swamped her, and she wavered. Jeremy’s pleas for his dad to come home and Charlie’s sad cynicism wrenched at her heart. Theresa drew in a long breath, looked everywhere except at him, and gave him the words he wanted to hear. “All right. I’ll think about it.”
