Page 76 of My True North

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“I don’t deserve it, but … thank you. I won’t let you down.” He cleared his throat. “So, will you get rid of the restraining order?”

“Not immediately. Follow the rules for a few months first. Prove that you respect my boundaries, and that you respect me. If you want to spend time with Jeremy and Charlie, go through the mediator and take the drug and alcohol tests. That would be a good start in regaining their trust as well as mine. Then we’ll see.”

He straightened. “All right. I will. At least unblock my number so I can reach you.”

She nodded, weariness tugging at her.

“Are you going to go to Portland to see your dad?” he asked.

“No, I’m not.” Jacob had texted her the day after her conversation with Andrew. He’d let her know their dad had taken a turn for the worse, and that he refused to go into a nursing home. She’d already arranged for nursing care and housekeeping for him, which would begin on Monday.

David frowned. “Theresa—”

“Stay out of this, David.”

He held up his hands. “Okay. I’ll leave for now. Expect to hear from the mediator this coming week. I’m missing our sons something fierce, and I know you’re hitting the road soon. I want to see them before you leave. I swear I’ll prove to you we’re worth a second chance at being a family.”

“Fine.” On the issue of her children, she knew David meant what he said. She’d never doubted he loved Jeremy and Charlie, and any effort he made to be a positive part of their lives would be a good thing. It remained to be seen whether or not he truly was a different man. She, on the other hand, was most definitely a different woman.

David disappeared around the corner of the building, and Theresa stood rooted to the spot, once again emotionally spent. She’d been looking forward to a relaxing weekend with Caleb and her boys. They’d planned to play pirate and open another of her mother’s cards, and they’d take Sully to a new beach where he could run. Now what? Guilt, guilt, and more guilt.

Between her brother’s attempt to manipulate her through David, her ex’s unexpected appearance, and her conflicted feelings about whether or not to see her dad, she feared her head might explode.

“Tell me you’re not seriously thinking of reconciling with that jerk,” Caleb said, his tone strained.

She swallowed. “He’s Charlie and Jeremy’s father, Caleb. I owe it to my boys to at least consider—”

“Right. So, that leaves me … where?”

Theresa rubbed her temples. Her head ached, and she couldn’t think straight. “I don’t know. I … I need to think.”

“I can’t do this,” he rasped out. “I can’t wait around to see who you choose. I don’t want to be your backup plan, Theresa. I won’t be your backup plan.” Caleb walked away from her.

“I drove,” she called out. “How will you get home?”

“I’ll catch an Uber,” he yelled back without turning to look at her.

With that he disappeared and she was left standing in the parking lot of their rented rehearsal studio … in a haze of hurt and confusion. What just happened? Theresa climbed into her car and rested her head on the steering wheel.

I can’t do this. I can’t wait around … Her eyes stung. Oh, no. No, no, no. Had Caleb just ended their relationship? The thought of losing him spiraled into panic, and for several seconds she focused on breathing. After a couple of minutes, she finally started her car and headed home, enveloped in a black cloud of desolation.

She parked her SUV in the garage, put on a brave face, and dragged herself into her house. Four sets of eyes turned surprised looks her way. Elli, John, and her sons were playing Busytown at the kitchen table, one of her sons’ favorite board games.

“We thought you were going out to dinner,” Charlie said.

“With Caleb,” Jeremy added.

“Change of plans,” she said, closing and locking the door behind her.

John cast a speculative glance her way, and Elli’s brow rose like she wanted to ask questions.

“After working three twelve-hour days in a row, I worried I’d be too tired to make the long drive home.” She set her things on the counter and joined them at the table. “Who’s winning?”

“Elli,” Jeremy groused.

John continued his scrutiny. She couldn’t bear having him ask her what was going on. She’d told John and Elli that Caleb planned to spend the weekend at her home, and now he wasn’t. Of course they’d figure something was up.

“I’m going to change my clothes and make a few phone calls. “I’ll put the boys to bed tonight, Elli.” She checked her watch. It was already seven forty-five. “You have fifteen minutes left to play your game.”
