Page 19 of Touch Me

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I wanted more secret rendezvous.

And that scared the shit out of me.

Then again, it also made perfect sense. I found something exquisite in sharing a sexy moment with a man I’d never see again. I liked being Memphis.

Maybe someday, the bold confidence in Memphis could permeate into Plain Jane.

Maybe it already had.

I tugged on my trench coat and grabbed a handbag large enough to fit my clothes into later.

“It’s time to get intimate with a total stranger.” I strode out my door.

Liam was on the second floor, one floor below where I lived. His room would be identical to all the other standard rooms, including mine. Each had an amazing view of the ocean and the golden sandy beach that stretched as far as I could see. Every standard room in the Hot Horizon Hotel was the same size and layout; only the four penthouses at the very top were double the size of the rooms on the first eight floors.

The hotel was situated right on the beach—nothing but the jogging path and a nature strip separated it from the sand. Three years ago, when I’d first arrived at the hotel after being offered the job over a Skype interview, I’d thought I was the luckiest girl in the world. Sometimes I still do.

My heart was a thundering beat in my ears as I stopped at Liam’s door and knocked.


I knocked again.

When he didn’t respond for a third time, I fished in my bag for my master access card. I paused.

Have I gone fucking mad? I can’t just waltz into his room.

The door opened. Liam wore pajama shorts and an expression that suggested he was still half asleep. He looked tired; it almost seemed a shame to keep him awake. Almost.

“Hi.” I stripped out of my trench coat and flung it over my arm.

His eyes bounced to my cleavage, and he smacked his lips together.

“Can you help me please?” I shrugged, acting coy.

Liam didn’t move.

I cleared my throat. “May I come in?”

He dragged his gaze from my chest and stepped back.

Easing past him, I entered his room where sunshine pierced between the blinds, depositing golden stripes across his bed.

I hooked my bag over a high-backed dining chair and placed my trench coat over the top. I turned to him and smiled. “Hi.”

He’d remained at the door. He rubbed his eyes. Maybe he thought he was dreaming.

“Morning,” I said in a singsong manner. “If you want me to leave, just say so, and I’ll walk out the door.”

He nodded. “I mean, no, you don’t have to leave.”

“Okay. So, I was wondering if you could help me.”

A frown corrugated his forehead, and his eyes darted around the room as if looking for a hidden camera. Finally, he strolled to his bed and sat, scratching his chest. “Yes. Ummm, what’s wrong exactly?”

I placed my right foot onto the chair, and my eight-inch heel dug into the soft cushion.

“Nothing’s wrong. I was just wondering if you like to watch?” Fully aware that Liam could see right up my skirt, I removed my shoe and dropped it to the floor. I put my hands under my dress and, with my eyes locked on Liam’s, I eased my fishnet stocking down my leg.
