Page 54 of Touch Me

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“I’m planning to fuck his brains out tonight. I’ve got this new little bullet?—”

I shoved my hands over my ears. “I don’t want to know.”

“It’s Valentine’s Day, babe.” I could still hear her. “Gotta do something special.”

I lowered my hands. Valentine’s Day. For three years, I have hated Valentine’s Day.

“What’s wrong?”

I sighed and poked my cake with my fork. “Alexander proposed to me on Valentine’s Day.”

“Ah, shit. I didn’t know that. How old were you?”

“I was twenty-two. Same age you were when you met Calvin.”

“True, but we didn’t get engaged for another two years.”

I sucked in a deep breath. “I loved him, you know.”

“I know. But he turned out to be a cheating bastard.”

I nodded. Alexander broke my heart and it had been broken ever since.

“Hey. I’ve got an idea.” She wrapped her fingers around my wrist. “You need to get yourself another Valentine’s Day memory.”

I scrunched my nose. “What?”

“Yes, yes.” She nudged forward. “Tonight, you’re going to find the hottest man ever, and he’s going to blow your mind. So, from now on, you’ll have a fantastic memory for Valentine’s Day.”

I tutted and let out a big gush of air. “Oh, I don’t know.”

“I do.” She poked my shoulder. “This is an order. You start looking the moment you get to work, and when I ring you tomorrow, you better have details.”

Maybe she was right. Create a new memory. Obliterate the old shitty one. The idea had merit, and I instantly started thinking of what new venture awaited me.

More importantly, which sexy stranger I’d take that new adventure with.

“Okay. I will.” I nodded, suddenly very sure of myself. But the pressure was on.

“Great.” She stood. “All this talk about sex has made me horny. I’m going to see if Cal wants to come home for lunch and try out my new toy.”

I rolled my eyes but smiled. She never ceased to amaze me.

The pressure really was on. It seemed that every guest in the Hot Horizon Hotel was here for Valentine’s Day. Apparently, I was the only single person alive in the world. If I saw another dopey-eyed couple stroll through the lobby doors, I’d probably vomit in the wastepaper basket.

Finally, at ten o’clock, I was saved. The lone man who walked toward me had an air of recklessness about him, and that made him exactly the man I needed.

“Hello, and welcome to the Hot Horizon Hotel.” I flashed my best grin at him.

“Hiya, I’m Blake Nichols, and I’ve booked a room for a couple of nights.” He was about my age, and a similar height, too.

I handed him the standard paperwork. “Fantastic.” I may have said that a tad too eagerly.

His hair was a tangle of messy black curls that contrasted with his very pale skin. “Where are you from?” I asked. Small talk was new to me.

“New York.”

I wasn’t expecting that. He didn’t have the usual strong New York accent. To me, he looked more French. I’d seen my share of nationalities during the last three years. The Gold Coast was a prime tourist destination for visitors from all over the world. The golden beaches, the azure waters, the nightlife, the daylife—people came from everywhere to escape their day-to-day routines.

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