Page 112 of You & Me: Part One

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“Yes, Georgia . . . Yes . . . You and me. Let’s give it shot.” I am still covering his mouth but I can see the relief in his eyes and feel it in his body. “Can we keep it quiet for now, just until I can talk to Mick? I feel like I owe him an explanation.”

I release my hand from his mouth and he brings his lips to mine and our tongue dances together for just a brief moment. He ends the kiss and brings his forehead to mine.

“If that is what you need then yes, we can wait to tell other people until you talk to Mick, but I need you to know that you are mine. From this moment on you are mine, and I am yours, Gracie. It’s been that way since the first time I laid eyes on you so there’s no need to fight it.”

He lays back down and brings me and the blankets with him. I’m tucked into his side, and I can tell that there are three little words he wants to say but is too scared to. They’re on the tip of my tongue as well, but for now, knowing he’s mine and I am his is enough.

You Are the Best Thing


It feels like I’m breathing again for the first time in what feels like forever. Hearing the word ‘yes’ come out of her mouth felt like a ton of bricks had been lifted off of my chest. I think part of what lifted that weight was also talking to her about Matt and Mom. At first, I felt like such a pussy for falling apart in her arms, but she soothed me and was there for me. She is slowly making me whole again.

I couldn’t have been more honest with her last night. When I told her that the fact that Ireland comes with being with Emily is an added bonus. It just means having two of them to spoil and love. Love. That is what this is and I was so close to telling her last night, but I wasn’t sure if she was ready to hear it. I know that deep down she knows that I still love her . . . that I am in love with her . . . but I still think hearing it would make it all a little too real for her.

Getting to sleep with her in my arms, and wake to her beautiful smile and that sexy morning voice of hers these last few days has been fan-fucking-tastic. Having to give that up is going to kill me. Mick came home this morning and that means our adult sleep overs will be coming to an end. Emily better talk to him soon because with the way Ireland likes to talk about anything and everything . . . he’s going to find out sooner rather than later that I was at his place a little more than I’m sure he expected while he was gone. I don’t think he’s going to be thrilled about that.

This morning Emily had me take her to Cami’s where Ireland, Frances and Frank had stayed the night before. Frances and I went home and Cami was going to take Emily, Ireland and Frank home later. I really owe Cami for all of her help with yesterday. When I called her she jumped right in and didn’t hesitate to do whatever I needed to give us our night together. She is a character, that one. Her last words to me on the phone after I called to make sure that pick up for Ireland went smoothly was, “Get some!” She’s just like one of the guys, and the best friend Emily could ever hope for.

Now with the girls all sorted, I have time to kill until five o’clock when I pick Emily and Cami up to go to Wesley and Trisha’s wedding. It worked out great that she was already planning to go, but she was already bringing Cami as her plus one, so I’ll be arriving with two dates this evening. If Alex weren’t the event planner for the reception, I’m sure I would have three dates tonight. Cheryl, Emily’s mom, will be taking Ireland, and we’ll have another date night tonight. I love spending time with Ireland, but time alone with Emily is nothing I will ever complain about.

I try to pass the time today by going to The Gym, running errands and taking Frances to the dog park. I can’t help but feel like I am walking on air. Like all the puzzle pieces of my life are finally coming together. I feel like an idiot walking around with a constant smile on my face. I may be whipped already, but I don’t give two shits. I’ve got my girls and that’s all that matters.

Luckily for me, Mick is in the wedding so I don’t have to worry about any confrontation with him today. When I get to the house to pick the girls up, Cami answers the door all dressed and ready to go in a mid-length dark pink dress.

“Hey Jonathan, come on in. Em is still finishing up.”

“Thanks, Cami. You look lovely this evening,” I say as I walk past her and into the living room. Frank comes up to great me, but I try not to let him get too close so that I don’t get white fur all over my dark grey suit.

“You don’t look too bad yourself. You want something to drink?”

“Nope, I’m good. Thanks though.”

A few moments of awkward silence fall over us, but Cami breaks it. “Thank you, Jonathan. You’re bringing my girl back to life again.”

“It’s her that’s bringing me back to the surface, Cami. It’s all her,” I assure her.

“I know you want to think that, but she has just been getting through life doing what she feels is right, but not truly living or loving. Don’t get me wrong, she loves Ireland and her family, but that light that she always had has been pretty dim these past few years. She has that light back in her eyes now, Jonathan and that’s because of you. So, thank you.”

“It’s my pleasure, Cami. All I want is to make Emily and Ireland as happy as I possibly can.”

“I know that, but be gentle with her heart because she will scare easily. I know I don’t have to tell you this, but after all the bullshit she went through with her dad and then Harrison, it won’t take much for her to run. I wish that weren’t the case, but it is, so just go easy on her. It’s still there, what you had before. You just don’t want to push too hard at first. Be patient, and she’ll get there.”

“I know, Cami. I’m trying to go as slow as I can, but I’ve waited for what feels like forever to have her back in my life. I’m so ready to just jump in and just go for it that I find I have to pull myself back and reign it in at times so that I don’t push her too hard. I think we’re in a good place. We just have to get past her fear of what Mick’s gonna do, and I think we’ll be okay.”

“Mick is going to shit, you know that, right?”

“Yep, I do. But I don’t care, Cami. He can hate me all he wants, but deep down I know he loves his sister and he wants her to be happy. I have to hope that will out-weigh any anger he may have, but I’m not going to count my chickens on that one just yet.”

I hear the bedroom door down the hall open up, and I turn to see Emily walk into the room and then I don’t see anything else. She is stunning. She is in a simple black dress with short capped sleeves that is somewhat tight at the top, but then flares out a bit at the bottom. Her hair is down, like I like it, but she has big waves in it and it looks fuller than normal. My eyes travel down her perfect body to her legs. Those fucking legs that seem to go on forever in this short dress and three inch heels. Whoa . . . this dress is short. Not slutty short, but sexy and classy all at once. I can’t help but imagine her naked with nothing more than those damn black heels on. I need to get those thoughts out of my head if I don’t want to have an awkward moment right here in front of Cami.

There are no words that can express how proud I will feel to have her on my arm tonight, but I’m not so sure how excited I am for all of the other pervs I work with to see so much of her. All I keep hearing over and over in my head is MINE. The possessiveness I feel over her is out of this world. It’s a feeling that takes over my whole being when I’m around her. All I want to do is claim her and protect her from everything bad in this world.

Cami clears her throat from behind me and I snap out of my open-mouth gawking to tell Emily how beautiful she is. She thanks me and then I walk up to her and give her a soft kiss on her painted red lips. I see the pink that I love color her cheeks as I take her hand and ask her if she’s ready to go.



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