Page 131 of You & Me: Part One

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Emily and Ireland seem to be a perfect fit with the Fanua clan. This doesn’t surprise me at all because these two are special. They light up any room that they walk into and always seem to bring a smile to everybody’s face. I am so proud both to introduce them to my family, and to have these amazing people in my life to share with the two of them. I just wish my mom was here. She would love them both. This I know for sure.

As we all sit around and talk, I keep getting knowing smiles from Fiona and winks from Robert. I can see the joy that they have for me in their eyes. It’s just as obvious to them, as it is to me, that I have found the one. Emily is it for me, and this little girl slowly falling asleep in my arms brings me so many different emotions all at once. There is a fierce protectiveness that I feel for her that is different from what I feel for her mother. Knowing that the things I help Emily teach her will mold her into the person she’ll grow up to be is a huge responsibility, but one that I hope Emily will continue to let me take on alongside her. She also brings me a peace that I never knew children could bring. After years of not feeling much at all, this has been a big change for me, but in only the best of ways.

Emily looks at Ireland—who has her head tucked into my neck so that I can’t see her face—and mouths, “She’s asleep.”

Quietly, I announce to the room that it’s time to put Ireland to bed. I rise from the love seat as smoothly as I can to try not to wake her.

“We’ll be right back,” Emily says as she gives a little wave and follows me down the hall, while holding on to one of the belt loops of my jeans.


These simple moments with them bring me pure bliss. I know that makes me sound all girly, but I just can’t think of another word to describe it.

Fiona has put Emily and Ireland in Liam’s old room that now serves as a guest room. Traditional as always, Fiona has me sleeping on the fold out couch. It’s not ideal, but I get it. Emily and Ireland are sharing a double bed as it is. There isn’t really room for me anyway. And there is still the no sleep over rule. We haven’t been perfect at sticking to this rule. Cami and Alex have both hooked us up several times over the last month, and have had Ireland over for sleep overs. Thank God for Cami and Alex!

Emily and I work together to get Ireland out of her clothes and into her adorable Thanksgiving pajamas that Mick got her.

Who would have thought that Mick Jacobs would be a part of my day to day life? If you had told me that the bad ass, frat bother, player that I work with, and occasionally drink with, would one day become family, I wouldn’t have believed it. It turns out he’s a pretty good guy and not just the comedian, and sometimes asshole, that he lets us all see. His family comes first to him, and he has been incredibly good to Emily and Ireland. Never once has he made them feel like they are an inconvenience or in his way. He treats his mom like gold, and would welcome her into his home to live with open arms if she asked. He really is a good dude. He has been nothing but cool about Emily and I seeing each other. We had one talk—shortly after Kayla was arrested—where he gave me the typical big brother lecture. He told me that her happiness comes first, and that I better not get too close if I didn’t plan on this being the real deal. There were two hearts in my hands, and not just one. I assured him I was in this for the long haul and that on my part, there wouldn’t be any heart breaking going on. Since that little chat, my relationship with his sister has never been a topic of conversation.

Looking down at Ireland all tucked in with her stuffed bulldog—that she of course named Frank Junior—I can’t help but smile. She is so stinking cute with those big brown eyes and those blond curls. I never knew what a button nose was until this kid came along and proved to me that they do exist. She has one and it’s perfect. Right now, her cheeks are a bit rosy from the warmth of being cuddled up with me, and her hair is sticking to her sweaty little face. Perfect.

Even when she has those brief episodes where she actually acts like a four-year-old and gets whiny, she is still perfect and stubborn just like her momma.

After she’s all tucked in, I walk around the bed to Emily and pull her to me and give her a soft kiss. Much to my pleasure, this doesn’t seem to be enough for her as she grabs my ass with both hands. I love it when she gets feisty, she is sexy and adorable all wrapped up in one. She pulls me as close to her as she can get me, and she deepens the kiss. Her hands roam up my back and then back to my ass. Our kisses become fevered and frenzied and she starts to moan. She moves her hand to the front of my pants and grabs onto my rapidly hardening cock. God, this sucks. All I want to do is push her up against the wall and make her scream because I’ve made her black out in ecstasy. But that isn’t possible with Ireland a few feet away and a house full of family waiting for us in the other room.

I put my hand over her very busy one, and move it back to my ass and whisper in her ear. “Baby, we have to stop. We’re gonna wake Ireland up, and I really cannot go walking out there with a rock hard dick. You aren’t playing fair, Em.”

She gives me a kiss on my nose then steps away from me and says, “Okay,” then walks out of the room. Leaving me there to deal with the tent I’m currently pitching, all on my own. She knew exactly what she was doing. Wicked woman.

After taking the time I need to get my shit together, I walk back out to the family room and it’s happening. The damn photo albums are out, and Emily is at Fiona’s side on the couch as they go through my childhood, picture by picture. Not only does Fiona have all of her family albums—that include me almost as much as her own kids—but she has all of my mom’s too. Well, I guess in all actuality they’re mine, but wasn’t ready to bring them with me when I left for Portland.

As I stand in the middle of the room with my arms crossed over my chest, Fiona and Emily both pretend I’m not in the room, but I see Emily peek up at me and try to contain her giggle that wants to break free.

From his perch on the arm of the couch Liam says, “Dude, it was just a matter of time. You should never have left them alone together. They’re gonna be at this all night. Wanna beer?”

All night ends up only being about thirty minutes and Robert, Liam and I use this time to catch up and talk sports while nursing our beers. After the ladies have finished up, they join us at the kitchen table just long enough for Fiona to give out her to do list for the morning. After her marching orders have been delivered, she says her good nights since she’ll be up early to put the turkey in. Robert follows on her heels, and since Kate is out with her boyfriend, that just leaves Emily, Liam and myself.

“So, Emily, tell me something.” Liam says as he leans towards her like they’re planning some sort of conspiracy together.

“Liam . . .” I warn.

“Yes, Liam?” Emily says as she leans back in her chair with her eyebrows raised. She has a grin on her face and her arms spread out on the back of my chair and the empty one to her left. Her whole demeanor says, ‘bring it on, big man’. God, I love this woman!

“So tell me the truth. How do you put up with this pretty-boy shit-head?”

Keeping a straight face, she replies. “Love and hard work, Liam . . . love and hard work. If I’m honest with you, I ask myself that same question every day. The only thing I can come up with is that I love him and I’m prepared for a lot of hard work.”

As I sit there with my mouth hanging open she reaches a hand to my face and strokes it tenderly.

“Like you said, he is very pretty, Liam. Sometimes it takes everything I have to leave the house and go out in public with him, knowing that every woman he passes by will be staring at him and thinking that they want to have his babies. It’s a tough job, but somebody has to do it.” She stops and uses both hands to turn my face in Liam’s direction so that she can say, “I mean look at this face, for God’s sake. He just wakes up . . . and looks like this . . . every freakin’ day! Do you know how much work it takes to be worthy of being seen on his arm? It’s exhausting; having arm candy like this. It really is. As for him being a shit-head, do not get me started . . .”

Putting my arm gently around her neck, I pull Emily against me like I am going to give her a noogie. But I just kiss it instead and put an end to the bullshit that is spewing from her mouth.

“Enough already! You guys think you’re pretty damn funny, don’t you? Well, you aren’t.” Pushing Emily back a bit, I look at her and say, “You’re cute, but you aren’t funny. And you . . .” I say moving my attention to Liam. “ . . . You aren’t funny or cute, so just shut your face if you know what’s good for you.”

Liam stands to leave, and Emily and I stand with him.

“Whatever dude, I’ll see you in the morning. You better be careful. I think I’m starting to like her more than I like you. Emily, you’re good for this moron. Thanks for keeping his ass in check.”
