Page 136 of You & Me: Part One

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Heading out the door Emily takes my hand and we slowly make our way to a waiting Liam. I’m having a harder time leaving than I expected. We get Ireland in her seat, jump in and get settled while Kate and her parents stand on the porch waving goodbye until they can no longer see us. I miss them already.

It doesn’t take long to arrive at the departures drop off at Hilton Head International Airport. Liam hops out and helps Emily get our bags out of the back while I get Ireland and her seat. When Ireland and I come around the back, I see Liam release Emily and then lift his hand to give her one of her famous high-fives. It means so much to me that they seem to get along. This trip has turned out better than I could have ever hoped.

Emily grabs Ireland’s hand and steps away so I can say good bye to my brother from another mother. He gives me one of those bro handshakes that he pulls into a hug. While he gives my back a couple of slaps he says, “Miss you, man. Take care of yourself and keep going to therapy. Those girls are great. I’m really happy for you, dude.”

“Thanks, Liam. Miss you too. Try to stay out of trouble and fight for that girl if she’s really the one.”

I take a couple steps away and turn to give one last wave. He just gives me a nod, jumps into his truck and drives off. As I turn back to grab the bags Emily is right there waiting for me. She lifts up on her toes and gives me a soft kiss. “Thanks for a great Thanksgiving, Georgia.”

“Thanks for coming, Gracie. You too, Princess,” I say as I look down at Ireland. She currently has a stuffed Frank under one arm and a stuffed Savannah under the other.

“Welcome, Jonafon,” she says with a smile while the breeze blows her little blond curls all over her face.

Could she be any cuter?

Back Together


“You know, every time I see one of these little boxes of raisins I can’t help but feel a bit sad. Those raisins could have been grapes, and those grapes could have been wine. It’s tragic really,” Cami says as she opens one of the little red boxes that I have out for the kids and tosses a raisin in her mouth.

“Truth,” I say back matter-of-factly as I grab my own little red box of what could have been.

My little girl is five today.

She’s so excited for her birthday party that she’s practically bursting at the seams. It’s not anything fancy, but she couldn’t be happier. In attendance today is Cami, Alex, Devon and Gabby, Mom, Mick, and just a handful of kids from Ireland’s school. Jonathan is on his way and then we can, to quote Pink, “Get this party started!”

I offered to have the party this weekend, but she refused. Her birthday is the 1st of December, and I don’t like to decorate for Christmas until after her birthday. I don’t want her to be one of those kids that gets her birthday over-looked or all her presents wrapped in holiday paper. It’s important to me that her birthday is special, and it’s important to her that she doesn’t miss any days of Elf On a Shelf. So a party on a late Tuesday afternoon is what she’s getting.

The house is decorated with balloons and streamers and there are little gift bags and snacks for the kids. Luckily, I have Alex to take pictures. I’m glad she’s here to capture all of the little moments of the day. Not only is she an amazing photographer, but it’s one less thing for me to worry about.

The front door opens, and I see Jonathan bend down to pick something large and purple up with both hands, then he uses his work boot-clad foot to push the door closed.

“Jonafon!” Ireland yells and leaves her friends to run to him at full speed and hug his leg.

“Hey, Princess. Happy Birthday!”

“Thanks, Jonafon. I’m finally five!”

“No way, really? I thought you were turning thirteen?”

“Don’t be silly, Jonafon. You know I’m five,” she says with a giggle and runs back to her friends.

“What in the world is that? It’s huge!” I ask my hot as hell, even at a five year old’s birthday party, boyfriend.

“That’s what she said!” Mick yells out from behind me.

I can’t help but burst out laughing at the idiot I call my brother, but I quickly put on my mom face.

“Mick, there are little kids here. Watch it.”

“What? They don’t know what that means. Besides, you thought it was funny so don’t even try to pretend to be mad. I see that smile you’re trying to hide.”

I stick my tongue out at him. “You really don’t have a filter do you?”


“I still love you. Even if you are an idiot.”

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