Page 135 of You & Me: Part One

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“Oh you know, nothin’ serious.”

“Are you seeing anybody?”

“Oh, I ‘see’ lots of people, but not one particular person if that’s what you mean.”

“So, big, bad Liam Fanua isn’t ready to settle down, or just hasn’t found the one?”

“I don’t know if I’ll ever be ready, J. There is somebody that I feel like I could give up all the others for, but she hates me and won’t give me the time of day. I deserve it. I’m a player, and I played the game with one of her friends a long, long, time ago. She doesn’t like what she’s heard and won’t come near me no matter what I do. It’s my own fault, I guess,” he says with a shrug of his shoulders.

“That sucks man. Sorry to hear that.”

“Ah, well. It is what it is, ya know?” he says with another shrug.

“You know you could always change her mind. Do what it takes to show her what else there is to you. If she’s really the one, don’t give up man. Let her see that there’s more to you than the bullshit you show to most of the world. “

Man, he reminds me of Mick. These two men are nothing but good but they don’t want the rest of the world to know. They put up this player persona so that they don’t have to get too close or too real with anybody. That way when it goes bad, they can make it seem like it’s no big deal. The truth of the matter is, whoever they end up with will be lucky to have them.

“Let it go, J. I have. Thanks for caring, dude, but I’m just fine with my life as it is right now. You were built for all this relationship shit, and you’re good at it. You already look like the perfect husband and father, and there isn’t even a ring on her finger yet. Speaking of rings . . . I know you know, but don’t forget my mom has your mom’s ring should you want to use it sometime in the near future. Just sayin’.”

“How the hell did we get back to my love life, asshole? We were talking about yours.”

“Hey, I was just reminding you in case it was something you had forgotten. As for my love life . . . well, it looks like we are plum out of time my friend,” he says pulling his truck into the Fanuas driveway. Just like that, the conversation is over, and it’s time to get ready to say goodbye again.

We all eat our lunch and watch as the Chick-fil-A virgins dig into their food. Emily has a classic chicken sandwich, and Ireland has nuggets but both were smart enough to get the waffle fries.

“So good,” Emily says through a full mouth of fries.

“I still can’t believe you don’t have these in Oregon. That is a travesty,” Kate says as she too shovels fries into her mouth.

“They’re building one in our area, so it won’t be long now. I’m gonna to need to stay away though. These fries, with this sauce, could become a serious problem.”

We finish up our lunch and start to get our bags ready to go. We could have stayed until Sunday, but I thought it might be better to get home tonight. It would be nice to have a day so that Emily could do laundry, and get ready for her week, and so I wouldn’t have to take a vacation day on Sunday. I’m saving all the vacation days I can at the moment. I have a plan and it’s going to take some time off of work to come to fruition.

Liam is taking us to the airport, so he grabs our bags and takes them out to the truck to wait for us while the rest of the family makes their way around to each of us.

“Ireland, I had so much fun playing with you this weekend! Thanks for spending Turkey Day with us,” Kate says as she lifts Ireland off the ground and into a big hug. “You be sure to take care of Savannah for me!” She says looking my way. She gives me a wink that says she was asking that little girl to take care of more than just her new stuffed bear.

“My turn! Hand her over Kate!” Mr. F exclaims next to them. I see him take her into his arms and notice Mrs. F and Emily over in the corner having a quiet conversation. I watch as Emily listens, and Fiona reaches up to pat her cheek gently then pulls her in for a hug. Once again, my heart is turning into hot liquid goo over the sight in front of me. The Fanuas acceptance of my girls into the family means more to me than they will ever know. I wish my mom was here, but this has been the best Thanksgiving ever.

“Take care of these two, Better Big Brother. They’re keepers,” Kate says bringing me in for a hug. Not usually too sentimental, she releases me quickly and heads over to Emily who has just let go of Mrs. F.

“Get over here, son,” Mr. F orders. I obey his command and take the two steps it takes to get to him. He pulls me in for one of his epic bear hugs and says for only me to hear. “I am so proud of you, Jonathan. You are a good man, and those two little ladies are lucky to have you in their life. Take good care of them because they seem to love you just as much as you love them. It’s nice to see that they’ve brought that light back to your eyes, son. Don’t let that go.”

I squeeze him a little harder and say, “Thanks, Mr. F for everything. You’re the best dad I could have ever asked for. I’m glad you like the girls because I’m hoping you’ll be seeing a lot more of them, and for a very long time.”

When I pull back I see tears in his big brown eyes. I look at him with confusion not sure what I said wrong.

When he sees the confused look on my face he gives my face a gentle slap and says, “I never wanted to replace your dad, son, but it warms my heart to hear you call me dad. I hope you know I love you like my own.”

Now, my eyes are wet with unshed tears when I reply back to him. “I do, Mr. F. I do.”

“Enough you two! Jonathan come give this old lady a kiss goodbye!” Fiona interjects.

I do as I’m told and give her a big hug and a kiss. She keeps her goodbye short and sweet. “I love you, Jonathan. Thanks for sharing your girls with us.”

“Love you too, Mrs. F.”

“Now get out of here, the three of you, before I get weepy!”
