Page 141 of You & Me: Part One

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“Fuck. You are killing me, Em.”

He pulls me to the edge of the desk and drops to his knees. As soon as he hits the ground, he lifts his eyes to mine as puts two fingers inside of me and starts moving them, ever so slowly. Without taking his eyes off mine, he flicks his tongue over that spot that he knows will send me over the edge. I’m aching from the ecstasy that only he can make me feel. My back arches, and I moan loudly. I don’t know if it’s because of all of the emotions of the last fifteen minutes, or because it just feels that good, but I am already close. He keeps moving his fingers while he slowly tortures me with the bliss he creates with his tongue. He loves to build me up slowly so that he can watch me fall over the edge. He knows my body better than I do, and I can feel myself getting close to that edge as his fingers pick up speed and his tongue starts moving faster and stronger. His tongue stops for just a moment as he takes a small sharp bite of my bundle of nerves that are balancing on the brink. Then as soon as he does, his tongue is back working in circles while his fingers hit just the right spot.

“That’s it . . . Oh God, Jonathan . . . that’s it . . .” I feel myself pulsing around his fingers as I yell. “Yes, baby. Right there! Oh shit . . . baby! I’m coming! Yes!”

As soon as he feels me start to come down from my high, he does what he does best and enters me while I am still pulsing. He keeps my high going so that we can come together.

“Em . . . you feel so good . . . love to feel you come all over me.”

He pulls down on the cups of my bustier so that my breasts pop out over the top. They’re on full display, and this brings a small little smile to his face. He takes one in his hand while his tongue works its magic on my other hard as glass nipple. Then—because he believes in equal treatment—he switches hands and take the other nipple into his mouth all while still keeping his steady rhythm that has me right on that edge that I never quite left.

He grabs my ass to bring my body closer to his, and he lifts me off the desk. A few steps later we fall down on the sofa on the other side of the room. Now he’s sitting with me straddling him. He’s using his hands on my ass to guide our rhythm. Our lips meet in a frenzied dance as my hands weave through his short dark hair, and I hold on for dear life as I feel myself building up again. He pulls his lips from mine, and I moan at the loss, but when he takes my nipple back in his mouth and reaches between us to use his thumb to help take me all the way again, I realize it’s a loss worth taking.

“Jonathan . . . I’m gonna come again . . .”

“Not yet, baby . . . just hold on another minute . . .” he huffs as I watch him get closer to falling.

We’re both right there and moments later he yells, “Now, baby! Come with me!”

His words are what I need to take me over, and when I go, he goes right along with me. The room is now quiet, except for our heavy breathing. I’m still sitting on top of him, and he is still inside me when he says, “I love you, Gracie.”

I don’t want to move from this spot.

I can feel all of the love, happiness and excitement radiating off of him in this moment. It’s clear he didn’t know if I would say yes to moving in. But I guess if you had asked me a couple of months ago if I would have answered with a yes . . . I might not have believed it either.

“I love you, Georgia.”


Four Years Later . . .

Sitting in bed taking the rare moment I have to read one of my favorite books for the umpteenth time, I hear one of my favorite sounds; the sound of my husband arriving home from work safe and sound. I hear the door from the garage open and close. Soon after, I hear the Velcro peel open as Jonathan takes his gear off and stores it in the hall closet, as well as putting his gun in the safe.

One of the perks of being a K9 handler is that you get a take home car to transport the dog, and therefore he can get dressed and undressed at home and not the locker room at the police department. It may not be a lot, but it’s just that much more time at home with us each night.

Best of all he has a partner. It makes me feel a little bit better knowing he has a partner with him. Especially a cute, little buddy that will bite on command, and kick some ass when Jonathan needs him to.

Olaf is a sweet boy when he’s not at work, but we still make sure that Ireland loves him from afar just to be safe. Jonathan let her name him when he was promoted to K9 Officer a couple years back. The second Frozen movie was still playing on a loop in the house, so Olaf it was.

I hear him drop something heavy like, maybe a boot, and I freeze as I listen to see if Caroline or Matty wake up. They’re pretty good sleepers for nine month olds, but when one wakes up, they both wake up. A few silent moments pass and it seems we’re in the clear. Thank God. I look at the display on both of the video monitors, and they’re sound asleep, at least for the time being. Putting them each in their own rooms was a hard decision, but I think it’s helping them sleep through the night.

Soon, Jonathan comes sauntering into the room in just his boxer briefs—having left his dirty uniform in the laundry room on his way down the hall—and he leaps onto the bed and lays his head in my lap. He looks up at me while I rub my hands through his hair.

“How was your night, Georgia?”

“Better now that I’m home. How was yours? Is Matthew feeling better?”

“He seems to be. No fever, so I think he might just be teething.”

“Was their big sister helpful tonight?”

“She was. She rocked Caroline to sleep while I tried to calm Matty. I swear I don’t know what I’d do without her sometimes.”

“I feel the same about you, baby,” he says as he takes one of my hands from his head, kisses it and then places it on his heart.

We sit here in comfortable silence for quite some time before I follow his gaze to see that he’s staring at the picture above our dresser from our wedding day. It was one of the happiest days of my life. I can never look back on our wedding without thinking about his proposal. Even four years and two more kids later, I still get butterflies in my stomach whenever I think about it.

“Happy Anniversary,” I hear Jonathan say in my ear as I slowly come out of my dream-filled haze.
