Page 16 of You & Me: Part One

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“I wish I knew the real answer to that but I do know that people leave little flags in here and there is always a journal and a pen so people can record that they were here,” I say as I pull out the journal and a pen. “Hey, we should commemorate our time here today by signing the journal.”

I open the journal and write in the first empty spot I see. When I finish I put the pen in the book so the page is marked for Emily.

She takes the journal from me and I see her read the words that I wrote . . .

Jonathan Kelly of Savannah, GA—May24th 2010—I am here with the most beautiful girl I have ever met, and I am hoping she kisses me back when I kiss her in just a minute. Wish me luck, J

Without writing her message in the journal, Emily places the pen back inside and puts the journal back in the mail box and closes it. She turns around to me and whispers, “Give it a shot and let’s see what happens.”

Not waiting another second for her to change her mind, I step forward and grab her face with both hands and stare into those beautiful blue eyes of hers. I take one of my thumbs and brush it over her bottom lip as the pace of her breathing starts to pick up. I softly bring my lips to hers and she instantly parts for me and kisses me right back. And there it is . . . that electricity . . . that connection. It’s that electricity that I feel every time I touch her, only this is about to burn a hole right through me. I close my eyes and hope that if this is a dream it never ends. Our kiss is soft and gentle and even though I want to rip her clothes off and explore every inch of her, I also want to take my time and enjoy what I’ve been waiting to do for two days now.

The kiss doesn’t stay soft and gentle for long. Before I know it I have one hand on the back of her head and the other on her lower back pushing her into me so there’s no hiding what her kiss has done to me. The moans that escape her nearly do me in right here and now. Her hands are behind my neck and slowly working their way to my head. I suddenly wish I had more hair than my short, military regulation cut so she had something to grab on to. God she tastes so good, even better than I imagined and the feel of her body pressed against mine is setting me on fire. I have never felt anything like this. As we explore each other for the first time I feel an excitement, a hunger and a true feeling of being at home all wrapped up in this one kiss. Our kiss is soul deep and I am not sure I will ever recover.

I hear other hikers in the distance and realize that in a few moments we won’t be so alone. The last thing I want to do is stop our exploration of one another but it is the gentlemanly thing to do, and I am nothing if not a gentleman. My mom would want it no other way.

I bring my hands back up to her face and cup her jaw as I begrudgingly remove my lips from hers. With closed eyes her hands grasp my forearms and squeeze as if asking me to freeze this moment in time and never let it end.

I rest my forehead on hers and say, “As much as it kills me to say this, we better stop for the time being because we’re not going to be alone in a few seconds. What do you say we finish this hike so we can move on to the rest of our day?”

With her eyes still closed she brings her fingertips to her swollen lips and rubs them almost like she’s burning this moment into her memory bank. I know I’m burning the sight of her before me into my head to keep with me forever. I knew kissing her would be great but there are no words to describe what just happened. If she were a drug, I would be one of those people who become addicted the first time they try her.

Her eyes suddenly open and as if she has just had the best idea of her life she holds her forefinger up to me and says, “Sounds like a plan. I just need one second.”

She takes the few steps back to the mailbox and brings the journal back out. She writes her note and then places the items back inside the mail box and returns to me with a shy smile that is so fucking adorable. No scratch that. This time that smile is doing something new to me, and it’s fucking hot.

I reach out my hand and take hers in mine and ask, “Ready?”



The text message alert on my phone wakes me and I realize I must have fallen asleep out here on the ocean view deck off of our suite. Shit! I look at my phone and stop the panic attack I was about to have when I realize that I still have two hours to get ready. Thank God!

The text is from Cami and is in reply to my panicked group message to her, Sam and Steph. After coming back to the suite and finding it empty I realized I had nothing to wear to dinner with Jonathan tonight, and I don’t have the energy or extra money to shop. I sent the emergency text to the girls and then headed out to the deck to calm myself down. I must have fallen asleep the moment my butt hit this lounge chair because I don’t remember anything else after laying down.

As I read my texts, I realize I am the luckiest girl on the planet to have the friends I have.

Cami: Sorry, chica. We’re at the spa in Laguna and are just now seeing your text. Don’t panic, you can wear anything of mine that you want. Not that he will care what you have on, have you seen the way he looks at you?

Steph: She’s right. He’ll just be thinking about taking whatever you wear off of you. Don’t sweat it, you’re beautiful no matter what you wear.

Cami: Wear your hair down!

Sam: I have the perfect dress for you. It’s hanging in our closet, light gray, sleeveless with a little flared skirt. Simple, yet nice enough for an upscale restaurant.

Sam: I know you’re thinking you can’t but you can and you will. Take the dress and Steph says you can borrow her heels that are almost the same color as the dress. It will be perfect!!!!!!!

Steph: Yes, wear the shoes! Have fun and be good . . . but not too good. ;)

Me: Thank you both! You are the best and I will make it up to you!

Steph: Just have a great time and call if you need anything. Oh and I agree with Cam, wear your hair down.

Cami sends me a private text that reads:

Cami: Don’t stress . . . have fun . . . give him a chance . . . you deserve it . . . let me know if you need anything.

Me: I know and I promise to do all of those things.
