Page 17 of You & Me: Part One

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Me: He’s amazing. Why did I have to meet him now?

Cami: Life doesn’t always seem fair but things happen for a reason.

Cami: What do we always say? Repeat after me . . . No regrets, live today like it’s your last and along the way kick some ass!!!!! Got it?

Me: Yes. Thank you. I don’t know what I would do without you.

Cami: I do, you would sit at home on your ass and read your naughty little romance novels and never leave the house! I am saving you from a house full of cats! Gotta go . . . time for my mani/pedi. Wish you were here but I’m glad you’re not.

I now have two hours to get ready so I head to the bathroom and start a bath. Taking a nice, hot, relaxing bubble bath is a rare thing when living the college life with roommates. While I wait for the water to fill the tub, I text Alex an update and I go and find the dress and shoes that I have been instructed to wear. I try them on really quick to make sure they’ll work and they fit like a glove, even though the dress is a bit longer on my 5’7” frame than it is on Sam’s 5’10” frame. It’s still plenty short but not slutty at all. I love it.

The water is finally ready and I climb in to the steaming water. I lean back in the tub and think back to my hike with Jonathan and that kiss. Just thinking about the moment he finally kissed me fills me with a feeling I have never known. I can feel everything again as I relive the moment in my head. A moment that I never wanted to end. His hands, his lips, his tongue and the bulge that I felt pressed into me as he held me against him. I wanted to rub my hands all over his hard body but I was holding on for dear life around his neck, afraid that if I let go and moved at all we might lose our connection. When he did finally stop the kiss I felt an instant feeling of loss. I know I’ll never be able to get enough of his kisses.

If only we had met in another lifetime . . .

After our kiss we leave our flagpole, our view, and our mailbox and continue on our hike. My body has never felt so alive and this was from just a kiss. I’m scared to think what might happen to me if we were to ever make love? I’m not sure that I could ever come back from that and it would probably ruin me for all other men. I know without a doubt I will never be kissed again, like I was today, not by any other man. If I’m being honest with myself, I may already be ruined for all other men.

Holding his hand the rest of the hike scares me almost more than the kiss. It feels as if he’s claiming me, and as much as I want him to claim me, I also don’t want to lead him on. I’ve been upfront with him and he says he knows it’s just for a week, but I just want to be sure that we stay on the same page.

Along the way there’s another bench and Jonathan veers us towards it, and we both take a seat.

“I had brought a blanket to spread out and have a break, but after seeing your reaction to our friend, the snake, earlier I think it may be better if we stay off the ground. Let’s just settle for this bench, sound good?” he asks with a smirk.

“I think that’s the best idea you’ve had all day,” I giggle. “Well, maybe the second best.”

He stops mid-motion with his hand in his ruck sack (Apparently, Marines don’t carry backpacks they carry ruck sacks, who knew?) and stares into my eyes looking like he is at a loss for words. But in true Jonathan form, he says just the right thing.

“That kiss was the best decision I have ever made, and I can’t wait to do it again but right now, I need to feed you and make sure you stay hydrated. I only get a week and I don’t want you under nourished or dehydrated. We don’t have time for any of that now, do we?”

I watch as he unpacks the nourishment he referred to and he wasn’t kidding. He’s prepared with apples, trail mix, protein bars, little bags of carrots and Goldfish crackers.

“I got a little bit of everything here, we don’t have to eat it all since the trail is almost over and we’ll be done soon. We can save what we don’t eat for later,” he says as he opens the Goldfish crackers.

“So, how old are you again?”

He looks at me with confusion and says, “Twenty-three, why?”

“I just don’t know too many grown men who still eat Goldfish. I mean I know a lot of two to five year olds that do, but not too many twenty-three year olds. No judgement, though.”

“Oh, darlin’ if you let age stop you from enjoying the finer things in life you’ll be missing out on so much. Goldfish crackers are the shit! I can’t live without them and have no shame in admitting it. My mom already promised to send me shipments of them while we’re in Afghanistan. I did tell you she’s the best mom ever, right?”

“Yes, you did and maybe you’re right. It’s been a while. Maybe I should try them again,” I say reaching for the bag but he pulls it away.


I look at him with suspicion in my eyes when he says, “Open,” again.

I decide to trust him and open my mouth and he lobs a fish into my mouth on the first try!

“Nicely done!” I say as I lift my hand in the air for him to high five.

He doesn’t leave me hanging and slaps my hand.

“You sure do love the good, old, classic high five, don’t ya?”

With a puff of my chest and a lift of my chin I say, “Yes, as a matter of fact I do. Just like you and your Goldfish, I have no shame in that and believe that some of the classics are keepers and shouldn’t be forgotten. I know it’s dorky but I don’t care because some things just need to be celebrated with a high five. You landing that Goldfish, on the first try, was a worthy event if you ask me.”

Jonathan throws his head back and out comes that infectious laugh of his. It wraps around me like a warm hug to know that I can make him feel so comfortable and happy. It is so sexy to watch a man just throw his head back and laugh with everything he’s got. He’s hot, his laugh is hot and his kiss was scorching.
