Page 2 of You & Me: Part One

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“Emily, nice to meet you too,” I say taking his hand in mine.

I try to ignore the warmth of his hand and the heat that it sent crashing through my body, but it’s impossible. This doesn’t happen in real life though. This happens in the romance novels I am addicted to. Even with my crazy class schedule, and my belief that there is no such thing as a happily ever after, I just can’t fight my addiction to novels full of love and passion. But I need to remind myself that this is not a romance novel. This is real life and this could not be happening.

“Emily, these are my brothers, Shell, but you can call him Matt and D but you can call him Devon.” It’s obvious that they aren’t really brothers but clearly they’re very close.

His deep voice is just as enthralling as his laugh, only sexier. Well, double shit. That’s just freaking great!

With a raise of my hand I give them a small smile and a wave. Shell, but you can call him Matt, did the same and Devon reached across the table and shook my hand. “Nice to meet you, Emily.”

“So, now that introductions are finished, can I get you a drink, Emily?” Jonathan asked.

“Nope. I’m fine, thank you.”

“Well, we’re getting your friends here some fresh beers but wanted to wait to see what you might like. Are you sure we can’t get you something?”

Not wanting to be the odd man out I say, “An iced tea would be great, thanks.”

“You sure you don’t want a beer?”

“I’m not much of a drinker, Jonathan, and I’m the DD for the week so an iced tea would be fantastic.”

His reply is to put those dimples to work one more time and he and the guys leave to get the drinks.

“I thought this was a girls trip!” I yell-whisper to the other girls.

“Oh, come on Em, lighten up and have some fun,” Cami lectures. “This is a girls’ trip, but who says that some boys and some fun can’t be a part of that? You have to admit those are some fine specimens and Jonathan sure seems to have his eye on you.”

“He does not! And besides you know that with everything going on a guy with his eye on me is not on the agenda!” I say hysterically.

“Too late, chica. His eye is most certainly on you,” she sasses with a wave of her hand that says I don’t know what I’m talking about.

“He’s on his way back from the bar and why would what’s going on with you make you unable to have a little fun with some cute boys?” Steph chimes in while fixing her pony tail one last time before the guys are back at our table with drinks in hand. Luckily she’s distracted by the guys and doesn’t notice that I never answer her question.

“So, who wants next game?” Devon asks with a beer in one hand and a foosball in the other.

Jonathan smacks the table with the palm of his hand and says, “Guys against girls. Who’s brave enough to challenge us?”

Is there a hint of a southern accent there?

I can tell by the way he’s staring at me that he wants me to play but before I can refuse Sam and Steph come to my rescue and jump up. Thank God! Jonathan starts to open his mouth to say something, but then drops his shoulders with a pout and turns towards the game table. As he walks away he looks over his shoulder with a smile and a wink and then turns back to Sam & Steph.

“Ladies, challenge accepted. Don’t think D and I will go easy on you either. We’re Marines and we always give everything our all.” He says this last bit with his eyes right on me. Why do I get the feeling that last statement had two different meanings?

Matt looks like he doesn’t know what to do with himself as he sits here with just Cami and I. Poor guy. He seems so shy. Cami tries to combat the awkward silence and asks, “So Matt, why does Jonathan call you Shell?”

“My last name is Shellenberg,” he replies.

“So, the three of you are Marines then?”

“Yes, ma’am. The three of us met here in California where we’re stationed at Camp Pendleton. Jonathan’s our Squad Leader, Devon is his right hand and I’m in motors. I do the driving and make sure that our vehicles are functioning and get us where we need to go. We’re on the last week of our two week leave before we take off for nine months in Afghanistan. Jonathan just went home to see his mom in Georgia for a week and Devon was back home in Portland. My parents are coming here to visit in a few days so, I’m hanging with the guys while I can before they get here.”

I look up and see that Jonathan’s watching us. As soon as he sees me notice, he gives me another wink and I just roll my eyes at him. He lets out another one of his amazing laughs and I can’t help but giggle back at him as the warmth from his laughter engulfs me. That laugh and that smile . . . they can really wreak havoc on a girl. He is most certainly Trouble.

Trying to distract myself, I continue the conversation that Cami had started with Matt. She’s currently distracted by a text so I take over. “Devon is from Portland? So are we.” I still can’t seem to take my eyes off of Jonathan though. I really need to get my head straight.

Before Matt can answer, there’s a rumble of celebration a few feet away and I turn in time to see Jonathan and Devon high five. As Jonathan reaches across the table to shake the hands of Sam and Steph I hear him say, “It was a pleasure, ladies. Better luck next time.” With that he turns and within a few steps has planted himself back on the stool at the end of the table next to my spot in the window. He’s just staring at me with a small smile on his face. A smile that I have a feeling has gotten him far in life, at least with the ladies.

Cami is up and headed to the bar and asks if anybody needs anything. She takes an order from Sam and Steph and heads on her way, leaving me with Jonathan, who is just a little too much in my space . . . but oh does he smell so good. I couldn’t tell you what it is exactly. He smells fresh and clean, but there is something else there that I can’t seem to put my finger on.

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