Page 37 of You & Me: Part One

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As soon as his eyes land on me Jonathan heads my way.

“Babe, you okay?”

“I’m fine but would you mind terribly if we took off and went back to our place?”

“Time alone with you? Hmmm . . . let me think about that . . .”

Before I know what’s hit me, he scoops me up and over his shoulder like a caveman but at least he has the decency to hold my dress down. He swiftly turns us towards the door and as we pass our friends I lift my head up and say, “See you girls Monday. Matt and Devon it was so great to meet you guys. Please be safe over there and take care of this lug for me.”

Jonathan stops walking and the guys come over to me. Devon stands on one side and Matt on the other and they both give me a kiss on the cheek as the blood rushes to my head from hanging over Jonathan’s shoulder.

“Great to meet you, PDX. Hopefully our paths cross again back home. Be gentle with him.”

“Nice to meet you too, Emily. Thanks for making our boy here so happy and we promise to take care of him.”

“We’re out. Later everybody. Have fun tonight, but if you drink too much and need a ride call me. But please don’t drink too much because I really don’t want to come get your stupid asses!”

We’re out the door in a matter of seconds. Because of the rock star parking we got, that means we are at Scarlett’s door as well.

Jonathan slides me down his body and places me on my feet. I lift my hands to fix the mess that is now my hair, but he beats me to it. He smooths it down for me and tucks one side behind my ear.

“What was goin’ on in there, sweetheart?”

“I don’t want to talk, Jonathan. I just want it to be you and me and I don’t want to miss another second. I don’t want to talk about what happens after Monday though. I just can’t.”

“Whatever you need, baby.”

He kisses my forehead and opens the jeep door for me.

We ride the short drive back to San Onofre in silence. When we arrive, he opens the jeep door for me but still doesn’t speak. He holds my hand as we walk towards our sweet little white cottage. He unlocks the door with other hand and continues to hold my hand as we walk through the door.

Still silence.

He leads the way down the hall, around the corner, through the kitchen and into the bedroom. He lets go of my hand to turn on the album we’ve been listening to all week that has fast become ours. He sets the phone that’s playing our music down on the bedside table and still doesn’t say anything.

He walks back over to me and without saying a word motions for me to sit on the edge of the bed. After I follow his silent instructions and have a seat, he squats down and removes my wedges from my feet. On his way back up he takes my right hand and pulls me to standing again. He reaches for the hem of my dress and slowly lifts it over my head, leaving me in my bra and panties. He reaches around my back and unclasps my bra, and then uses both hands to take the straps off my shoulders and lets it fall to the ground. He bends down on his knees and kisses my stomach as he pulls what’s left of my clothes off of me.

He lays me down on our bed and brushes the hair from my face and just stares into my eyes.

He’s giving me what I asked for. He’s taking care of me and making me feel precious without any words getting in the way.

We spend the rest of the night making love and saying very few words.

Today is our last full day together. We decide not to go anywhere. For the most part, we’ve spent all day in bed talking about anything and everything except the dark cloud that is looming over us. We did go for a stroll on the beach early this morning, but other than that we haven’t left our little bubble.

Right now we’re having a picnic in bed with what is left of our food from the week. We each have our jar of peanut butter and because we aren’t sharing we both eat right out of the jar with spoons. We also have cheese and crackers, sliced apples, salami and carrots, and in the back of my head I know that there is still ice cream and Juanita’s tortilla chips in the kitchen.

The sun is starting to set and the light is starting to fade in the bedroom as we sit cross legged on the bed with all the food in between us.

“I don’t think I can eat any more.” I say as I lay back and pat my stomach.

“Let me get all this out of the way. I’ll be right back,” he says taking the remains of our picnic back to the kitchen.

While he’s in the kitchen, I jump up and take this opportunity to brush my teeth and freshen up. I look at myself in the mirror in just my red tank, sans bra, and my black lace panties. I know that I feel different after my time with Jonathan. I feel confident; more secure in my own skin and I know it’s because of him. Looking at my body in the bathroom mirror I see a me that I have never seen before. A confident, sexy version of me. I see the one that Jonathan sees. I know this feeling won’t stick around but right now I feel happy and content, even with myself. Well, isn’t that a first?

When I return back to the bedroom there’s candlelight, our music playing, and Jonathan is there waiting with a cat who ate the canary look on his face. He’s up to something. It looks like he’s holding something behind his back.

“Come lay down, baby.”
