Page 5 of You & Me: Part One

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“Where do you think I learned my trucker speak? Stick around and you’ll hear much worse my friend.” I quip back.

Not waiting for a reply and realizing too late that I just suggested he stick around, I head back to the girls and we huddle up again to discuss our plan of attack. These guys do not know who they’re messing with. We’re not some pansy ass girls who’ll back down to the big bad Marines. We love a challenge! To be honest, I don’t mind Jonathan trying so hard to touch me either. Funny, I never realized how much fun touch football could be.

As we line back up for our next play, I can see Jonathan move himself so he’s on my side of our little formation and I know he’ll be coming after me again. As soon as Cami hikes the ball to Steph she fakes a throw to Sam, but I jump back and she hands me the ball and I quickly jet over to the right side and away from Jonathan. Just as I look to my left I see he’s on his way to try and stop me but I take a flying leap and land in our make-believe end zone and score the touchdown. I jump right back up, covered in sand and do my victory dance as Jonathan stares at me in disbelief.

That’s right! That just happened, Georgia!

We play a little while longer and then all head back over to our towels and collapse. Luckily for us, there were bottles of water in those backpacks that the guys stopped to pick up on the way to the sand and surf. Thanks to those always prepared Marines, we can all hydrate. In the end, the score was Team USMC 7 vs Team SDSU 4. Even though Sam felt we should have used an accidental ‘wardrobe malfunction’ to distract our opponents and rack up some points, we agreed to play fair and actually put up a pretty good fight.

After some time sitting around, catching our breath, talking some smack about one another’s football skills and making easy conversation, Matt stands up and says, “It’s time to pay up ladies. I’m starving and you owe us pizza and beer. Pizza Port here we come!” He declares pointing in the direction of the restaurant.

And with that, we’re all up and headed back into the streets of San Clemente and off to Pizza Port to pay our debt.

Pizza Port is as good as the guys said it would be and after three slices and too many breadsticks to count, I’m stuffed. The group decides we’re all gonna head back to our rooms to relax for a while, get cleaned up and then we’ll meet again in a few hours. As much as I thought I didn’t want to hang out with these guys, I realize how wrong I was. I’m actually having a great time. Most importantly, the smile on my face is a real one and not the fake one I thought I would have to remember to keep on my face all week. Even though it doesn’t eliminate the real world that is waiting for me, this week may end up being just what I needed after all.

I Don’t Want This Night to End


I tell myself to act chill but as soon as we walk into Duke’s my eyes are instantly searching the crowd for her. There is something about Emily from Portland that pulls me to her. Yes, she is hot as hell, I won’t deny that, but there is something else about her and I am dying to figure out what it is. There is some sort of connection at play here. I know I am leaving next week and this is not the time to connect with anybody, but I don’t think I can ignore this.

Only ten feet through the door and I know she’s here, I can feel it. And it’s not the lack of air conditioning in the bar, it’s her. Looking straight ahead I spot her at the bar. Her honey colored hair is up in another ponytail and she looks amazing. She is the most beautiful girl in this place and it looks like it’s without any effort whatsoever. She’s a natural beauty who doesn’t need make-up and whatever shit girls do to themselves to look beautiful like she does.

I can only see a side view of her so at the moment I am deprived of those big blue eyes of hers. You can’t help but get lost in them when she so much as glances at you. She has on a long, red summer dress, with those skinny little spaghetti straps and a thick brown belt around her waist. Even though she’s completely covered and not dressed sexy on purpose—like most of the woman in this place—her tan skin that is exposed is so fucking hot. She’s waiting for the bartender to notice her and I can’t help the smile that spreads across my stupid face just seeing her again.

What is wrong with me?

It’s not like she’s the first girl I’ve ever met but there is just something about her. I couldn’t wait to get back into town tonight to meet up with her again.

“Well, hello there, Emily from Portland. What can I get ya?” I say into her ear after pushing my way through the crowd to where she’s patiently waiting at the bar. God, she smells so damn good—like vacation!

There it is, that blush that she gets so easily and so often. Adorable.

“Thanks for the offer Jonathan from Savannah, as always the gentleman,” she says with a little curtsy, “but I got it covered. Thanks for the offer though.”

“Now, I wouldn’t be much of a gentleman if I ran into a friend at a fine establishment such as Dukes and didn’t offer to get them a drink, now would I? So, I’ll ask again, what’s your poison?”

“You really aren’t going to take no for an answer are you?” With a slow shake of my head I tell her no. “Ok, well you asked for it. I will have three mojitos and an ice water. Do you feel as though your southern hospitality will survive the evening?”

With a raise of my hand I get the attention of the sassy little bartender working behind the brick walled bar. “Stacy, how’s it goin’, Doll?”

“J, good to see you! You got Shell and D with ya tonight? I was sure hoping we’d get to see you three before you have to take off.”

“Yep, the boys are here. Nine days left before we head out, but who’s counting?” I say with a smile on the outside but inside I just don’t have a good feeling about this deployment. I push that aside and carry on. “We came here to meet up with some new friends. Stacy, this is Emily from Portland. Emily, this is Stacy from Dukes.”

Emily gives a little wave and says, “It’s nice to meet you, Stacy. I love your hair! I wish I had the balls to go pink because you look bad ass!”

Stacy gives her hair a little flip and replies, “Why thanks, Emily. Nice to meet you too.” With a nod of her head in my direction Stacy says, “I like her J, she’s got excellent taste. Now what can I get you guys?”

“I like her too, Stacy,” I say as I turn to Emily and see her blush again, “how about three mojitos, 3 Corona’s with lime, and a large ice water.”

“Comin’ right up, honey,” she says with a knowing smile.

As Stacy puts our order together Emily taps her fingers on the bar to the beat of the Bruno Mars tune that’s playing and looks everywhere except at me. I just can’t figure her out. She’s playful one minute and then quiet the next. It’s like she’s forcing herself not to have fun but she keeps slipping up and forgetting she’s not supposed to be having a good time.

“Here you go, kids,” Stacy says even though she’s probably only a couple years older than me, “and the Corona’s are on Duke’s, J. You, Shell and D aren’t paying tonight, so enjoy and be sure to say goodbye before you leave or you’ll have to come back in before next week gets here.”

“Ah, thanks Stac. I’ll be sure to the let the boys know. I know they’ll appreciate it. And don’t you worry we’ll say a proper goodbye before we head to the sandbox next week.” I say with a hidden lump in my throat.
