Page 58 of You & Me: Part One

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He doesn’t say anything just walks past me to the fridge, grabs a couple beers, and holds them in one hand. He needs the extra hand to pull on my ponytail as he walks past me.


“That’s what I thought, Mickey. Love you, big bro.”

“Love you too, Emmers.”

Mick leaves the room and Jonathan and I just stand in silence . . . me leaning against the counter, and him against the sink.

He finally speaks and says, “That was so weird.”


“Mick, being a big brother and using the L word.”

A giggle slips out when I go to speak. “Mick, is a lot of things. I know some of those things are a bit suspect but two of those things are being a great big brother and an even better uncle. He’s a good guy, he just doesn’t want anybody to know it.”

“That’s what I am afraid of, Em.”

“Why would that be a bad thing?”

“Em, I told you that I want to try again. I know that means that Ireland comes as a bonus and that doesn’t bother me in the least. I still feel it, Em, and I know you do to. What do you say? Dealing with Mick as your overprotective brother would be more than worth it if you gave us another chance.”

He’s saying all the words I wanted to hear but does he not remember the badge bunny waiting for him in the other room?

“What about Courtney? You seriously brought another woman to the house you know I’m living in the day after our talk. Then you come in here and say you want to try again with her sitting in the other room. You’re kidding right?”

“Em, she didn’t come here with me. I came here by myself. She has no shame and had only been there a minute before you walked in. I didn’t want to cause a scene. She was doing what she always does; she attaches herself to whoever is available at that moment. Like I said, she has no shame.”

“Well, clearly you seemed available because she was practically sitting on your lap in a room full of people.”

“Emily, I don’t give a shit about Courtney. I couldn’t care less about the damn football game. I came here today to say that I was sorry for my reaction last night and that I want a do-over. I would love to get to know the new Emily and her adorable little girl.”

As if on cue, Courtney walks in and walks up behind him and puts her hand on his shoulder.

“There you are. You left me out there all alone,” she purrs.

“Court, you didn’t come here with me. It isn’t my job to keep you entertained. Go prey on someone else.”

“So, that’s how it’s gonna be Johnny Boy? You gonna pretend that you’ve never used me as your prey?”

She’s looking me straight in the eye, sending me a message, while his face turns red with rage.

“Courtney . . . Walk. Away.” He is seething.

“I’ll walk away Jonathan but you’ll come back. You have before and you will again.”

After releasing her talons from his shoulder she turns, and struts out of the room as if she had accomplished whatever mission she had set for herself. I have to admit if she was hoping to put distance between Jonathan and I . . . mission accomplished.

Going into damage control mode Jonathan walks up to me and tries to grab my hands, but I pull away.

“Em, ignore her. I am not with her and I have no interest in her at all. She was a drunken mistake and that is all.”

“See, I just don’t have the energy to deal with drunken mistakes Jonathan. I have a little girl to take care of. I just moved here and am living with my brother. I have a new job starting this week and am studying for my masters. I just don’t think I am in a place to start anything. Thank you so much for accepting the reasons why I didn’t tell you about things in the past, and thank you for your apology, but I think friends is really all I can handle right now.”

“If friends is all you can give, then I’ll take it. It’s not what I want, but I’ll take it.”

I hear stomping and my favorite sound in the world, Ireland’s laugh, heading towards the kitchen and I step further away from Jonathan.
