Page 80 of You & Me: Part One

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Oh big brother if you only knew. . . .

“I’m cool with that, Mick.”

Count On Me


Standing at Mick’s front door I raise my hand to knock and my mind goes back to the frantic text I got from him a couple of days ago. It was telling me what some asshole is doing to Emily and if I would mind stopping by to check on her every day while he was off hunting. He also said that he had given her my number in case she needed anything. He would freak the fuck out if he knew that we already had each other’s numbers and that I was in love with his little sister. I don’t even want to think about that conversation.

When I read his message, the first thing I wanted to do was find whoever was doing this to her and kill the son of a bitch! There is nobody else I would want watching over her while Mick is gone. In fact, I don’t plan on letting her out of my sight.

I know Mick told me to come by in the evening to check on her, but here it is ten o’clock in the morning and I’m already here knocking on the door. Mick texted me to say thanks when the guys hit the road, and I ran to my truck to get here as fast as I could. The thought of her and Ireland home alone with somebody out there threatening her brings out a possessive side I never even knew I had.

The sight that I see when Emily opens the door is probably the best thing I have seen in five years.

In front of me stands Emily, with an embarrassed shade of pink coloring her make-up free skin, her hair is up in a mess on top of her head, and her long legs are on display in her short little boxer shorts. But the best part? The best part is that on top of those boxer shorts is my old USMC t-shirt. And if my eyes do not deceive me there isn’t a bra on under that t-shirt.

She stole my t-shirt, has kept it all this time and still fucking wears it! There is a God!

“Hey,” she barley squeaks out.

“Hey, Em. Mick told me he wanted me to check in on you while he was gone, so here I am.” I’m trying my best to keep a straight face when all I want to do is give her shit about my shirt. It’s so hard to keep my mouth shut and the smile off of my face.

“He just left like ten minutes ago. I don’t need a babysitter but it’s nice of you to come by.”

She sounds irritated and I can tell she’s trying to brush me off when I see a little head full of blond curls and big brown eyes sneak past Emily’s leg. As soon as she sees me she jumps up and down in her footy pajamas.

“Jonafon! Mommy, Jonafon’s here!”

Thank God for this kid because she grabs me by the hand and pulls me right past her mom and into the house. She takes me over to the family room table where her dolls appear to be having a party. I can see a stack of books and Emily’s computer open on the kitchen table.

“Do you wanna play dolls with me?” Ireland asks. How could I ever say no to her?

“Baby girl, Jonathan doesn’t want to play dolls,” she says to Ireland and then turns her attention towards me. “Besides I was just trying to get some studying done while she played, so see? We’re all good.” She’s still trying to get rid of me.

She squirms a little bit as she tries to cover her bra-free chest with her arms crossed in front of her. I think she’s hoping I won’t notice the t-shirt she’s wearing, but there is no way I would have missed that.

“I’m good. Why don’t we play dolls and you do your studying for a bit?”

“Yeah!” My little partner in crime yells, affirming that my idea is better!

“No, you don’t want to babysit,” she says still fighting me.

“I won’t be babysitting. I’ll be hanging with my new friend just a few feet away from her momma. Sounds like fun to me.”

Weakly she says, “Jonathan, you don’t have to do this.”

“I know but I want to,” I assure her.

The thing is I really do want to. She is losing this battle so she may as well just wave the white flag now because I ain’t goin’ anywhere!

“You do not,” she says as though I am pitying her.

“Come on Ireland, let’s give your mom some peace and quiet and you can show me your room and we can play a game or something.”

“Can we play dolls?” she pouts, not letting me get away with not playing dolls so easily.

This kid already has me wrapped around her little finger with those big brown eyes of hers. I am a goner and it looks like I will be playing dolls for the first time in my life.
