Page 103 of You & Me: Part Two

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What in the world is happening to me right now? I think you could knock me over with a feather. This little girl and her damn bear have just rocked my world. I am completely thrown off balance over a stuffed animal that happens to be named after me, and the big brown eyes that are looking up at me for approval.

“Like it? I love it! I think that name is perfect, Princess.”

She takes her bear, runs to the guest room and comes back with her stuffed Frank. She sits on the floor and starts introducing the two while she enters her own little world of make-believe.

I get up, walk over to Fiona and Kate, and thank them with hugs. They say it was nothing, and since her birthday is Tuesday and they won’t get to be there, it was the least they could do. While talking to them, I feel a hand on my back as Robert steps up next to me.

“That right there son, is what it’s all about. You are a lucky man, if I do say so myself.”

“Don’t I know it,” I reply back and catch Emily’s eye across the room.

She’s standing there with a simple smile on her face. It’s a smile that says she loves me without words. Robert couldn’t be more right about me being a lucky man. The luckiest if you ask me.

"Dude, she's a ten. She’s hot as hell, smart, funny, and puts up with you and your little dick. How the hell did you land her?" Liam says as we drive home from picking up lunch from Chick-fil-A.

"Man, you wish that was true. If Emily was the kiss and tell kind of girl, I’m sure she would clear that shit right up for you. But, like you said, she’s a ten and therefore not that kind of girl. To answer your question though, dude, I don't fucking know how I got so lucky. Not just once, but twice. I ask myself that same thing every damn day."

I think Liam can feel the change in the conversation from shit-talking to a bit more serious as he changes his tone.

"She's the one. I can see that, man. Don't fuck it up,” he says falling into big brother mode.

"I don't plan on it, but thanks for the vote of confidence and words of wisdom, old wise one."

"I'm not fucking around here, J. She is the shit, and she makes you happy. You haven't been happy in years. She’s brought out the old you, and I like it. Even seeing you with Ireland is something I never thought I would see. Not that I didn't ever see you having a family, because I did, but I never would have thought your one would mean two. Those two are special, and I hope you have plans to make that shit permanent."

Liam Fanua talking about relationships and marriage is new and surprising. It takes me a second to shake it off before I can respond.

"Thanks, Liam. That means a lot especially, coming from a dog like you. I do want to make it permanent. She says she's ready, but I’m still afraid that it's moving too fast and she's not as ready as she thinks she is. I'm working on it, but I can't push too hard or too fast, ya know?"

"No, bro, I don't. Hard and fast is just how I like it, and I don't ever hear any complaints, if you know what I mean." He says as he lifts one of his eyebrows. "So no, I don't know."

"Shut up, you’re such an idiot. You do know exactly what I mean, but enough about my love life. What about yours?" I deflect.

"Oh you know, nothin' serious."

"Are you seeing anybody?"

"Oh, I 'see' lots of people, but not one particular person if that's what you mean.”

"So, big, bad Liam Fanua isn't ready to settle down, or just hasn't found the one?"

"I don't know if I'll ever be ready, J. There is somebody that I feel like I could give up all the others for, but she hates me and won't give me the time of day. I deserve it. I'm a player, and I played the game with one of her friends a long, long, time ago. She doesn't like what she's heard and won't come near me no matter what I do. It's my own fault, I guess," he says with a shrug of his shoulders.

"That sucks man. Sorry to hear that."

"Ah, well. It is what it is, ya know?” he says with another shrug.

"You know you could always change her mind. Do what it takes to show her what else there is to you. If she's really the one, don't give up man. Let her see that there's more to you than the bullshit you show to most of the world. "

Man, he reminds me of Mick. These two men are nothing but good but they don’t want the rest of the world to know. They put up this player persona so that they don't have to get too close or too real with anybody. That way when it goes bad, they can make it seem like it's no big deal. The truth of the matter is, whoever they end up with will be lucky to have them.

"Let it go, J. I have. Thanks for caring, dude, but I’m just fine with my life as it is right now. You were built for all this relationship shit, and you're good at it. You already look like the perfect husband and father, and there isn't even a ring on her finger yet. Speaking of rings…I know you know, but don't forget my mom has your mom's ring should you want to use it sometime in the near future. Just sayin'."

"How the hell did we get back to my love life, asshole? We were talking about yours."

"Hey, I was just reminding you in case it was something you had forgotten. As for my love life…well, it looks like we are plum out of time my friend," he says pulling his truck into the Fanuas driveway. Just like that, the conversation is over, and it’s time to get ready to say goodbye again.

We all eat our lunch and watch as the Chick-fil-A virgins dig into their food. Emily has a classic chicken sandwich, and Ireland has nuggets but both were smart enough to get the waffle fries.
