Page 28 of You & Me: Part Two

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“Soap ma’am, just soap.”

“Well, it smells awfully nice.”

I hope Emily didn’t hear that. Worse than that though is now telling this kid that his mom won’t be going home with him.

“Hey Bud, Officer Benson can give you a lift if you like. Do you have grandparents or any family that we can call that you can stay with for the night?”

“I can call my grandma. I’m sure she can come get me.”

“Why don’t you give her a call and Officer Benson can take you to her? Do you have a phone or do you need to borrow mine?”

“Thank you, sir but I have my phone here. I’ll call her now.”

Emily stands to give him some privacy and walks over to Benson and I.

“His name is Jason and he’s thirteen. He said he knew she shouldn’t have driven, but she picked him up like this in front of his friends and he didn’t know what to do. He was so embarrassed that he just wanted to get out of view of his friends. He’s a really sweet kid.”

“Thanks for keeping him distracted, Em, that was really nice of you. Although, I did tell you to stand on the sidewalk at the back of my squad car, not to sit on the curb up here, but still…thank you.”

“No problem, he looked so alone and I just couldn’t take it, so I came and sat with him. Sorry for breaking the rules.” Oh how I would love to punish her for breaking those rules later, but we’re just friends. So that won’t be happening unless I pull up my big boy pants and prove to her that we can be more than friends.

Jason walks over and explains that his grandmother is expecting him and that if Benson can give him a lift to North Portland where she lives he would appreciate it.

Emily walks over and hugs him. Of course, that is what she does.

“You take care and keep up the good work in school. Things will get better kiddo even if you have to make that happen for yourself. You can do it.”

“Thanks, Emily. It was really nice to meet you.”

I thank Benson for taking him and as we walk back to my car we see Willy. He’s a local transient who I’ve taken a liking too. He’s a nice old man who lost his family and all hope years ago. He doesn’t cause any trouble and always does as I ask. He has just lost the ability to care about himself anymore.

“Evening, Officer Kelly. Who’s this beauty you got along with ya tonight?”

“Hey Willy, this is my friend,” I say begrudgingly. “Emily, this is Willy, Willy, this is Emily.”

“Nice to meet you, young lady. Saw you there with that boy. That was very kind of you.”

“It was my pleasure. Willy. He’s such a sweetheart. It’s nice to meet you too.”

“So, Emily…how do you know Officer Kelly?”

“He’s an old friend, Willy. How do you know him?”

“Old friend you say, do you? Hmmm…interesting…very interesting. He’s an old friend of mine as well. He takes care of this old man and makes sure I stay out of trouble. He’s one of the good ones, Emily.”

“Okay, that’s enough, you two. Emily, why don’t you head back to the car and I’ll be right there.”

“Okay, bye Willy.”

She gives him a wave and a smile that melts his heart, and mine.

“She’s a keeper, Officer Kelly,” Willy whispers to me.

“That she is, Willy…that she is. Hey, I have to head out but you okay? You need anything?”

“Nope, I’m fine but thanks for asking. If you do anything right now, it better be findin’ a way to keep your hands on that pretty little thing. I think she’s just what you’re missing.”

“You are a wise man and I think you just might be right. Gotta go, Willy. You stay safe out here and call me if you need anything.”
