Page 31 of You & Me: Part Two

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I cannot believe I am headed to happy hour after the day I’ve had. After a couple of hours in the office with Jesse and the authorities, I was an emotional mess and Cami thinks happy hour is just what I need.

I hope I did the right thing for Jesse and William. I just want them to be safe. The social worker from the Department of Human Services says that they’ve reached out to their Grandmother, and she’s going to pick them both up and stay with them while things get figured out. They’re issuing a warrant for his dad’s arrest and hopefully, if Jesse continues to cooperate, his dad won’t be coming home anytime soon. Thank goodness he’s still 17 and not an adult yet or things may not be going as well as they are as far as getting the boys removed from the house together. I left him with our School Resource Officer, Officer Blackburn, and even though I knew he was in good hands, I hated to walk away from him.

After dropping Ireland off at my mom’s and meeting at Cami’s place, we hop in her car and head down to The Observatory to meet Alex. It’s our favorite little spot, with the best drinks, and oh my God the oregano fry bread is to die for! I’m really not in the mood for this but I appreciate Cami trying to help. To be honest, I miss my best friends. I’ve lived with Cami for the last eight years and not seeing her every day has been more of an adjustment than I anticipated. She’s my rock and I owe her so much. And I feel like I have years of catching up to do with Alex. I think I can manage a happy hour if it means time with the two of them.

I fill them in on the details of poor Jesse, and what a great friend Austin was. That he made sure that an adult saw what was happening, and got him help. reassures me that I made the right decision and that I deserve an adult beverage to celebrate.

Since I’m not much of a drinker, my plan is just to have one drink but Cami seems to have other plans. We manage to find three stools at the bar so we belly up and order our drinks. Our favorite adult beverage, here at The Observatory, is the Chelsey’s Bellini. It’s ridiculously sweet but sooo good. It’s made with pear vodka, peach puree ,and champagne. One is all that’s needed for this light-weight. I plan to sip slow and fill my tummy with fry bread.

We order our drinks and bread as we talk about Cami’s new job in Real Estate, Alex and her job as an event planner, my Master’s classes and job at the school. The bar is slowly getting louder and warmer. There is a group of guys that look like they just got off work and are looking to blow off some steam. As always, Cami zeroes right in on them.

“Hey chica, I bet I can get us some free drinks.”

“I don’t want any free drinks, but you go right ahead. I’m happy right here with my fry bread.”

“Oh no, you’re the one who had the shit day. You are drinking!”

“Cami, I have to go to work tomorrow and I have Ireland to take care of. I cannot get shitty.”

“One shot won’t kill you.”

“Have you met me? I barely drink, let alone do shots. You go right ahead though, and I’ll drive us home, but there is no way I am doing shots!”

“You know you can’t stop her once she gets her mind set on something.” Alex giggles as we watch Cami do what she does best.

Cami introduces herself to the guys and she’s amazing to watch in action. She isn’t overtly sexy, and she is far from a slut, but she is so damn cute that guys just fall under her spell. She promises nothing and still gets drinks everywhere we go. Tonight, she’s in a professional yet sexy, tight, black sheath dress and with her heels giving her some height and helping her amazing legs stand out…these guys don’t stand a chance.

She has a confidence about herself that I’ve never had. I haven’t been out much in the last five years—my life has been more diapers and bottles than bars—and the time away hasn’t done much for my self-esteem. I feel so much older than my 26 years and to be honest, I’m not really interested in meeting anybody.

Besides, I have the guy of my dreams wanting to try again and I friend-zoned him.

Not letting me down, Cami returns to my side with a big ole smile on her face and within a couple of minutes, there are three shots of fireball being placed in front of us. I push my shot towards Cami while she’s turning towards the table of guys to wave her thanks, but she pushes it right back in front of me as soon as she turns back to me.


“You deserve one night of letting loose. One shot with your girls, chica. It’s just happy hour. We aren’t going to stay out all night.”

“If I take this one shot will you leave me alone?”

Cami crosses her heart and Alex says, “We promise to be nice, Em. Just have one shot to loosen you up a bit. You deserve it.”

I hope doing this will get them off my back. If so…taking this shot may be worth it! I finally cave and pick up my shot glass.

“That’s my girl! On three!” Cami hollers.

“1…2…3…” we all count down and slam down our shots. Damn, that stuff burns.

“Woo!!!! Damn, Cam, that’s strong!”

We slap hands while I shake my head to try to get rid of what the fireball is doing to my brain because my brain…my brain is fuzzy already.

I’m such a lightweight! What was I thinking?

“I know, isn’t it great?”

“No, I don’t think great is the word that I would use. It’s like fire!”

“Alex, why would you let her talk me into this? What kind of friend are you?”
