Page 34 of You & Me: Part Two

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Georgia: Ah, so you’re drunk texting me, I hope somebody else is driving?

Georgia: I’ll take the drunk texting as a compliment, I think?

Gracie: Cami is driving.

Gracie: California was great, wasn’t it?

Georgia: It was. I think about it all the time.

Gracie: Me too.

Georgia: Gracie…what’s going on? Why are you texting me and not your other “friends”?

Gracie: I don’t know.

Gracie: Hearing that song just reminded me of you and I am drunk.

Georgia: I thought you didn’t drink?

Gracie: I don’t really and if I do I am a cheap date as you can see. I think you probably figured out why I didn’t drink in Cali?

Georgia: Any other white lies from that week?

Gracie: Just one…

Georgia: …

Gracie: I actually love roller coasters! It’s just all the signs said not to ride if you were pregnant and I didn’t know what to do so I lied and said I didn’t like them. I am so sorry but I swear the drinking and coasters are it! I really really love coasters.

Georgia: I think I can live with that. You’re forgiven.

Gracie: Thank you.

Georgia: Of course.

Gracie: No I mean it.

Gracie: Thank you.

Gracie: For not hating me.

Georgia: I could never hate you. I understand everything now.

Georgia: Would you like to get coffee again sometime soon?

Georgia: Frances would love to see you again. She said we could even take Ireland to the park or something if you would rather do that?

Georgia: Em, you still there?

Georgia: Sleep good, Gracie.

Gracie…he called me Gracie!

He forgives me and doesn’t hate me!

I feel myself start to break out into a full sweat and must re-read it instantly and let the analysis begin. Steps must be retraced to make sure I didn’t miss anything too embarrassing.

The first notable item is that this all started with the potential to go very bad when I mentioned dancing on the beach because what followed that dancing was very naughty. He didn’t go there so that could mean he was being a gentleman because I was drunk, or he didn’t want to remember the naughty times.

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