Page 35 of You & Me: Part Two

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Second, I called it our album, so embarrassing! I can feel my cheeks getting hotter and hotter. This he didn’t comment on, but was that because that album doesn’t hold the same meaning for him or because he knew that I was drunk and didn’t want to get too deep?

Third, he made it a point to call himself a friend and he did this in quotes. This could mean he’s calling me out on friend-zoning him or does it mean something else? People usually drunk text their ex’s or people they have a thing for. He is both to me, but maybe not in his mind?

Fourth, he called me out on my lies and forgave me. He forgave me for everything and I was passed out.

Fifth and the most important and notable item is that he called me Gracie. He knows what that means to me and he still called me Gracie.

I would say as far as drunk texting goes this wasn’t too bad, but I am still mortified. Do I text him back and say I’m sorry? Well, not now, it’s the middle of the night and I don’t want to wake him up, but I would love to call and wake Cami up. She was clearly with me for some of this and I’m sure she was encouraging me. Some best friend I have. I could have confessed my undying love for him and she would have let me. Man, am I lucky it didn’t go any worse than it did. Thank God for granting me this small miracle.

Now if this headache would go away and I wasn’t so full of adrenaline I could go back to sleep. That would be a couple of miracles I could stand, but I don’t see that happening in the next hour or so. I guess I’m up for the day. Today is going to suck…



I’m anxious…excited, but anxious.

What family I have left is going to be here, staying in my house that I am so proud of and that I was able to pay for free and clear thanks to my mom and my frugal four years in the Marine Corps. On top of the Fanuas coming to visit the other reason for my excitement—little girl giddiness, if I’m honest—is the fact that since Emily drunk texted me, we’ve continued to text. That was Monday night and now it’s Thursday and we’re still talking.

We aren’t having deep conversations, it’s just little things but it’s something. It started with her apologizing for texting me when she was drunk. I wasn’t sorry though, not at all. The hope that soared through me just knowing that she thought of me, of our album, and that my forgiveness meant so much to her, was something I couldn’t put into words. As we texted, I told her not to feel bad and asked her how she felt that next morning. She wasn’t feeling too hot so I decided I would text again in the afternoon to check on her and it went on from there. We’re just saying hi and asking how each other’s days are…for now. It’s not a relationship but it’s a start. Every text I get from her fills me with just a little more hope. Hope that I can get her to see how much more we could be.

My best friend Liam and his family are on their way from the airport. Liam texted me when they landed and said they were going to get their bags and rental car and be here shortly. I can’t wait and I’m so amped that I can’t sit still while I make sure the house is just right. I’m not the most organized or tidy person. I keep things clean but there isn’t much organization involved. It works for me and Frances puts up with it. I feel like sharing the home that was always meant for my mom with her closest friends, is like sharing it with her. The nerves and excitement I’m feeling are a surprise, but they’re my family and I haven’t seen them in close to a year.

After about forty-five minutes of waiting there are finally headlights in my driveway and I race out to meet them. Fiona is the first one out of the Ford Focus rental car and she rushes to me, gives me a peck on the cheek, and throws her arms around me. Fiona may only be a little over five feet tall, but she’s a sturdy woman and gives hugs that nearly take your breath away.

“Oh my, sweet boy, it is so darned good to see you. You look as handsome as ever!” She says with a spark in her shining green eyes.

“Thanks, Mrs. F. Let me help you with your bags and get you inside. Frances can’t wait to meet all of you.”

“Baby brother! How the hell are you?” Liam says as he unfolds himself out of the backseat.

“Are you ever going to let that two and a half months go? I’m good! How are you, man?”

“Not too bad. Glad to be here and can’t wait to see what Portland has to offer, if you know what I mean?” He says with a wag of his brows.

Liam is good looking and knows it. He’s just as tall as I am and he looks just like his dad—minus Mr. F’s Buddha belly. Liam took after his dad’s side of the family and his dark Samoan skin, brown eyes and black hair get him a lot of attention from the ladies. He looks exotic, I guess. That’s what the girls always said when we were growing up. All I know is he has used this to his advantage and Liam Fanua always has a date. He’s also a pain in the ass, but I love him like a brother!

“Still a dog.”


“Liam, you are just gross! Now move, so I can give my better big brother a hug!” Kate yells from behind him.

I give her a big squeeze and then ruffle her long brown hair like she hates and say, “How’s my little sister these days? Anybody I need to beat away with a stick at the moment?”

“Nope, I have a boyfriend and he’s amazing. No beating him off…wait…oh that sounded so bad! Shit! Sorry dad…” her light skin turns red with embarrassment but she recovers quickly. You have to if you want to survive in this family.

“In one ear and out the other, just like your mother always says. Bring it in, son,” Mr. F says as he heads my way and in moments I’m enveloped in a hug so full of fatherly love that it almost chokes me up. I didn’t realize how much I missed the four of them until they all finally got here.

“Hey Mr. F, it’s so good to see you. Thanks for coming all the way out to Oregon to visit. It means a lot to have you guys here,” I say with one last pat to his back and then he releases me.

“Of course, we couldn’t wait to meet our first grandchild. Where is this Frances we’ve heard so much about?”

“Ha! Don’t give me grief about grandkids when Liam is the oldest. He should be procreating first, but Frances is excited to meet you guys. She’s a sweet old girl. Let’s get your bags and head in.”

After they get settled in their rooms, have had a tour and been introduced to their furry grandchild, we settle in. Since it’s late for them with the time difference, I order some pizzas and we hang out and play a wicked game of Catch Phrase. We always play boys against girls and the guys just take turns sitting out each round. This is a game we’ve played for years. We’ve moved from the old school one, that is better in my humble opinion, to the new electronic version and it’s amazing it’s still in one piece after Kate has had her hands on it. She gets so fired up during the game that she practically throws it to the next person once she’s done. She’s nuts, but I love her.

It’s crazy to see how Liam and Kate both take after their parents in the looks department. Kate looks just like her mom with light skin, green eyes, and brown hair. The only thing she did get from her dad is her height. At 5’9” she’s tall for the women in Fiona’s family. Kate is a younger, taller version of her mom just like Liam is of his dad.
